any process serving to define the shape of something
In computer programming, to resolve a string of characters, representing for example a program statement, into its elemental parts as defined by(say) the programming language. 在計算機程序設計中,從字元串(例如代表程序的語句)中分辨出程序設計語言中所定義的基本語法成分。參閱compiler。
The process of defining the software architecture, components, modules, interfaces, test approach, and data for a software system to satisfy specified requirements. 為使一軟體系統滿足規定的要求而確定軟體體系結構、部件、模塊、介面、測試方法和數據的過程。
A standard for defining codes for information exchange between equipment produced by different manufacturers. 美國信息互換標準代碼一種在不同廠家生產的設備之間為信息交換而定義編碼的標準