- The debate reached the degree that the German president interfered in defense of Muslim women』s right to wear headscarves as a personal freedom. 但是那些恐懼完全是無稽的,無中生有的,因為那些穆斯林大多是法國公民,他們只熟知法國。
- An Allegiant Follower of Women s Rights? 魔術英語網為您收集 魔術英語,效果神奇!
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 許多英勇的男男女女為捍衛自由而犧牲。
- Mrs Pankhurst was one of the chief protagonists of women' s rights. 潘克赫斯特太太是女權的主要倡導者之一。
- They had a dogged defense of the city. 他們對城市進行了頑強的防守。
- Television cameras rolled as Cesar Chavez organized the migrant workers in California and as Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinham linked arms to protest the lack of women』s rights. 聽聽這些人名,我剛上網查了一下,不是杜撰的哦。我不知道這些人在美國的地位是跟魯迅在中國一樣還是咋地,小弟我是服了。
- She spoke up in defense of her political beliefs. 她為她的政見力辯。
- The defense of the accused was rather weak. 被告人的辯護軟弱無力。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他們對待婦女的方式惡劣得難以言表。
- The emancipation of women depends on themselves. 婦女的解放依靠她們自己。
- The audience consisted mostly of women. 觀眾多數是婦女。
- They were split on the question of women's rights. 他們在女權問題上意見分歧。
- His championship of women's rights is well known. 他提倡女權是眾所周知的。
- She spoke of the emancipation of women. 她談到了婦女的解放。
- They had to fight in defense of hearth and home. 我們必須為保衛家園而戰。
- n Allegiant Follower of Women' s Rights? 作者:佚名文章來源:不詳點擊數:更新時間:2007-6-6
- Security Law of Women' s Rights and Interests 婦女權益保障法
- Insolence is the defense of the weak. 傲慢是軟弱的護身符。
- Sun Li was the second baseman of Women』s softball. 孫莉、劉瑛慧則是在本月中旬才搭上末班車。
- Ciara ft. Lil Jon - That\'s right (OFFICAL VIDEO! 所選視頻內容暫時不能播放.;請過一段時間再試