- Application Research on Deep Mixing Lime Pile Strengthnbing Soft Foundation of Highway. 深層攪拌石灰樁加固公路軟基的應用研究。
- Deep mixing south of Cape Palliser indicated the presence of an anticyclonic eddy. 帕利瑟(Cape Palliser)南部的深層混合說明,該地區有一股反氣旋渦旋。
- The technology of deep mix round pile is a seepage cutting technology which making use of the deep mix round machine of small diameter multi- head ejecting and mixing round cement clay in original soils to defending seepage. 深層攪拌樁防滲技術是利用多頭小直徑深層攪拌機具在原土中攪拌噴射水泥土漿的一種防滲技術。
- The legitimate additive recipe (aw=14% and ap=15%) for the cement deep mixing pile in a project was drew up. 對某工程的水泥土攪拌樁制定了合理的添加劑配方(aw=14%25;ap=15%25).
- T-shaped soil-cement deep mixed column 變徑水泥土攪拌樁
- Masaaki Gotoh.Study on Soil properties affecting the strength of cement treated soils[A].Grouting and Deep Mixing,Terashi &Shibazaki (eds),1996 Balkema,Rotterdam. 楊崇波;儲誠富.;有機質含量對水泥土強度的影響及對策
- It is indicated that the quality, microstructure, and isotropy of hi-directional cement-soil deep mixing column are far superior to the traditional deep mixing column. 結論表明:常規水泥土攪拌樁攪拌不夠均勻,樁身水泥土的微觀結構、物理力學性質隨深度增加變差,表現出方向上的差異性。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深長入土中。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 這座中世紀的城市周圍建有城牆和護城河。
- Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能從這個深底鍋里舀點湯給我嗎?
- It introduces application of deep mixing cement-soil pile in maintenance of foundation pit, combined with storing pool of coking equipment it discusses no-support and earth-retaining& water-retaining drapery and its effect, which to extend the method. 介紹了深層攪拌水泥土樁在基坑維護中的應用,以某焦化裝置內貯焦池具體工程為例,探討了這種坑內無支撐、土擋水型帷幕的做法及應用效果,以推廣應用該方法。
- A deep gorge separates the two halves of the city. 有一道深谷把這座城市分成兩部分。
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引機在鬆軟的沙土上留下了深深的車轍。
- In 1993,the powder deep mixing method has been used on construction of the lock pier and the water retainning dam of diversion works in Hutuo River,Xinzhou district,Shanxi province to improve their foundation soil and the effect is good. 1993年山西省忻州地區滹沱河界河鋪引水樞紐改建工程採用水泥粉噴技術建造閘墩基礎加固樁、擋水壩基礎防滲牆獲得良好的工程效果。
- A deep ravine is on the left of the road. 有一道深溝在馬路左邊。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源於遙遠的中世紀。
- The safety monitoring of a 50 000 m 3 oil tank foundation with many embedded prototype observation devices shows that, it is practicable to use cement deep mixing piles to improve mucky clay of 20 m in thickness and 26 m in depth. 通過一座樁身和土體中埋有各種觀測儀器的 5× 1 0 4 m3 油罐地基試驗 ,結果表明用超長水泥土攪拌樁處理 2 6m深、2 0 m厚的淤泥質粘土是可行的。
- A deep melancholy runs through her poetry. 她的詩中貫穿著悲傷的情調。
- A heavy lorry floundered about in deep snow. 一輛重型卡車在厚厚的積雪中艱難地行進。
- She had just woken from a deep sleep. 她剛從熟睡中醒來。