- Intense animosity or dislike; hatred. 強烈的仇恨或厭惡;恨
- Intense ill will or hatred; great malice. 極度的惡意極端的惡意或仇恨; 極其惡毒
- Strong dislike or hatred; abhorrence. 憎惡強烈的不喜歡或厭惡; 憎恨
- To show signs of repressed anger or hatred. 流露:顯示被壓抑的憤怒或仇恨。
- Strong dislike or hatred;abhorrence. 憎惡強烈的不喜歡或厭惡;
- They can pander to or influence cultural attempt or hatred. 它們可能引起文化攻擊或仇恨。」
- The deepest animosity in the world is created by killing. 世界上最大的仇怨,莫過於殺生。
- Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group,race,or religion. 歧視對特定群體、種族或宗教的非理性的懷疑或仇恨
- Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs. 在我看來,生命太短促,不能用來記仇蓄恨。
- Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion. 歧視對特定群體、種族或宗教的非理性的懷疑或仇恨
- Sometimes we're possessed by destructive moods such as stress, fear or hatred. 有時我們會被像壓力,恐懼和仇恨這樣的毀滅性情緒控制。
- Taking advantage of this famine,the enemy has incited the people to seize grain from the base areas in an attempt to create deep animosity between Chinese in the anti-Japanese base areas and those in areas under his occupation. 而敵人又利用這個災荒挑撥人民到根據地搶糧,企圖形成抗日根據地與敵占區中國人之間的嚴重對立。
- Taking advantage of this famine, the enemy has incited the people to seize grain from the base areas in an attempt to create deep animosity between Chinese in the anti-Japanese base areas and those in areas under his occupation. 而敵人又利用這個災荒挑撥人民到根據地搶糧,企圖形成抗日根據地與敵占區中國人之間的嚴重對立。
- There is absolutely no such thing in the world as love or hatred without reason or cause. 世上決沒有無緣無故的愛,也沒有無緣無故的恨。
- Enmity or hatred seems also to be a highly persistent feeling, perhaps more so than any other that can be named. 仇恨或憎惡似乎也是一種高度堅持的感覺或情緒,也許比我們所能提名的任何其它情緒更能長期持久。
- It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. 或為敵意的奴隸,或為友情的奴隸,隨便那一種都足夠使它離開自己的責任和自己的利益。
- Strive to seize the initiative in all things, all the time guarding against actions stemming from selfish animosity or thoughtlessness. 三、在任何事中應爭取主動。經賞嚴防受私慾及魯莽之左右而行事。
- Snyder argue that patriotism is distinguished from nationalism by its lack of aggression or hatred for others, its defensiveness, and positive community building. 但是其他一些作家認為兩者區別很小,就看你怎麼看了。
- We are determined not to say untruthful things for the sake of personal interest or to impress people, nor to utter words that might cause division or hatred. 我們發願決不為追求個人利益或給人以深刻印象而講不真實的話。我們也決不能講可能導致分裂和憎恨的語言。
- Intense animosity or hostility. 強烈的憎惡或敵意