- It was in 1954 that ARPA INDUSTRIALE S.p.A. started producing HPL decorative plastic laminates. Arpa公司於1954年已在義大利開始生產高壓裝飾防火板。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 這個人提著一個黑色的小塑料提袋。
- Visually, the decor was very striking. 這個房間的裝飾看上去非常醒目。
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是個整形外科醫生。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- A decorative container for a plant or small tree. 培植器皿,花架容納植物或小樹的裝飾性容器
- It is some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 這是一種塑膠,但外觀仿製得像鐵。
- The fruit is prepackaged in plastic tray. 水果用塑料盤預先包裝。
- A decorative casing for a light, often of paper. 燈籠燈的裝飾性外套,經常用紙製成
- Many items in daily use are made of plastic. 很多日常生活用品是用塑料製成的。
- A decorative or protective covering or cover. 罩子一個裝飾性或保護性的罩或蓋
- A light and its protective or decorative case. 燈罩燈以及它的保護性或裝飾性外套
- A kind of plastic stuff is used to make the plates. 這些盤子是用一種塑料製造的。
- Put your washing in the plastic bag. 把你要洗的衣物放到商行塑料袋中。
- Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 塑料花是我特別厭惡的東西。
- Having a decorative pattern worked or woven in. 織有圖案的,鑲有圖案的帶有織入或鑲入的裝飾性圖案的
- Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather. 塑膠有時可以替代皮革。
- The computer is protected by a plastic cover. 計算機得到塑料套的保護。
- A decorative flap or loose fold on a garment or headdress. 垂飾外套或頭巾上的裝飾性的下垂物或鬆散的褶層
- A plastic cover protect the computer. 這台計算機由一個塑料防護罩蓋著。