- We should be true in word and resolute in deed. 我們應該言必信,行必果。
- Characterized by decision and firmness; resolute. 決斷的具有果斷堅決的特徵的; 堅定的
- He has taken courageous and resolute action. 他已經採取了果敢的行動。
- We must take immediate and resolute action. 我們必須採取堅決果斷的行動。
- That decisive and important step was taken jointly. 該一決定性的重要步驟是聯合採取的。
- Characterized by decision and firmness;resolute. 決斷的具有果斷堅決的特徵的;堅定的
- He is talented, and venturesome, and resolute. 他有才能,有闖勁,有決心。
- He is decisive and efficient in doing things. 他辦事果斷,卓有成效。
- Eg: We must be true in word and resolute in deed. 我們必須是言必信,行必果。
- We must be true in word and resolute in deed. 我們必須言必信,行必果。
- Indeed I feel that to say no is also a kind of ability showing your decisiveness and resolution. 真的我覺得說不也是一種能顯示你的決斷和決心的能力。
- I am a very patient and resolute man. 我是一個耐心,堅定的人。
- Did I not tell you how quick and resolute she was? 我不是告訴過你們,她是多麼機敏和果斷嗎?
- You should be bold and resolute. 你應該大刀闊斧。
- People say I'm decisive and hard-as-nails when the chips are down. 大家都說我在緊急時刻很有決斷力而且堅定不移。
- Always true in word and resolute in deed. 說話算話,行為果斷。
- The general was steady and resolute. 這位將軍沉毅果斷。
- She is bold and resolute in her work. 她幹事兒可潑了。
- He is a person with graceful manner and resolute action. 他是個舉止文雅但行動堅決的人。
- U.S.Federal Reserve because of this century since several major shift monetary policy are strong and resolute and decisive. 因為美聯儲本世紀以來幾次大的貨幣政策轉向都是強有力和堅決果斷的。