- The child cheated them with an artifice. 那個孩子用巧辦法騙了他們。
- Pretending to faint was merely (an) artifice. 假裝昏迷只不過是個詭計。
- His deceit is disgusting; he took everybody in! 他的欺詐手段令人憎惡,弄得人人上當!
- He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies. 他陷入充滿詭計和謊言的圈套。
- Pretending to faint was merely an artifice. 假裝昏迷只不過是個詭計。
- He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house. 他在布置新房子中表現出富有技巧。
- She got them to hand over all their money by a wicked deceit. 她用卑鄙的手段使他們把所有的錢移交給她。
- Furious at his deceit, she let fly at him with a stream of abuse. 他欺騙人,氣得她把他大罵了一頓。
- He was trustful and without deceit. 他可靠無欺。
- The criminal escaped by artifice. 罪犯用計逃脫了。
- The use of mirrors in a room is an artifice to make the room look larger. 利用鏡子裝飾房間是使房間顯得大一點的巧妙辦法。
- Nature and artifice hand in hand. 自然和人工攜手同行。
- She told him of his old mother's deceit. 她向他訴說了母后的欺騙行為。
- She is above meanness and deceit. 她不至於做卑鄙和騙人的事情。
- There was no room in him for sham or artifice. 他無論如何也得老實。
- Having or displaying no guile, cunning, or deceit. 不詭詐的沒有或顯示不出狡詐,狡猾或欺詐的
- Elsewhere imitation and artifice play a part. 在其他領域裡,模仿和技巧起了一定作用。
- To obtain by deceit or persuasion. 通過欺騙或勸誘獲取(某物)
- Pretending to faint was merely(an)artifice. 假裝昏迷只不過是個詭計.
- The nickname was straightforward, without artifice. 這外號倒是直接,也不難懂。