- The two estates join at the foot of the hill. 這兩處房地產在山腳下相毗連。
- On his accession to the throne, he inherited vast estates. 他一登上王位就繼承了大宗財產。
- He inherited vast estates on his accession to the throne. 他即位後繼承了大片領地。
- The Government has broken up the large private estates. 政府把大片的私人地產分割開。
- He [She] is heir to large estates. 他[她]是龐大地產的繼承人。
- The enemies depredated on private estates. 敵人們掠奪私人財產。
- The nobles were dispossessed (of their estates) after the revolution. 革命後剝奪了貴族們的地產。
- His mansion, estates, and wealth overwhelmed her. 他的寓所,莊園和財產都超過她。
- Lee hansen was the quietest performer. He deced without music. 李海森是最安靜的演員
- A formal general assembly of the princes or estates of the Holy Roman Empire. 神聖羅馬帝國的三政會神聖羅馬帝國的王孫或該階層的正式的一般議會
- To justify the rural real estates? 批判任志強:全部炸掉小產權房?
- The two estates join at this point. 兩塊房地產在這兒鄰接。
- All estates have the rights for voting. 各個階層的人都有選舉權。
- The Wellingtons live up in the blue-blood estates. 韋林頓一家住在高級(註:本義為貴族出生)住宅區。
- No onecan sequestrate his estates. 任何人都不能沒收他的資產。
- These estates were known as executory devises. 這些房產被稱為有效遺贈的財產。
- There are only %1 estates specified in this file. 該文件中只指定了%251個地產。
- No one can sequestrate his estates. 他就是一國之君,既自給,又自立。
- The new government expropriated the landowners from their estates. 新政府剝奪了土地所有者們的地產。