- Many came to pay the dead man homage. 許多人前來向死者致敬。
- Mary came to do homage to the dead man. 瑪麗過來向死者告別。
- Mary came to pay homage to the dead man. 瑪麗過來向死者告別。
- Many came to do the dead man homage. 很多人前來向死者致哀。
- The surgeon graft the dead man's kidney into his patient. 這位外科醫生將死人的兩個腎移植到他的病人身上。
- Has anyone vindicated the forest for the dead man's nephew? 有沒有人為死者的侄兒要求那片森林的所有權呢?
- They questioned her closely about her friendship with the dead man. 他們仔細查問她與死者的情誼。
- It' s beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life. 要死人復活非凡人所能為。
- Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man's stomach. 在死者胃中找到了少量的毒藥。
- The surgeon grafted the dead man's kidneys into his patient. 這位外科醫生將死人的兩個腎移植到他的病人身上。
- Photo Gallery: Sydney Bondi Beach A galah bird alights on a lifeguard』s cap. 意譯:悉尼的Bondi海濱圖片集。一隻galah鳥落在一位救生員的帽子上。
- The court adjudged the dead man's house to his son. 法庭把死者的房屋判給他的兒子。
- A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. 撫恤死難工人家屬的基金會即將建立起來。
- One false move and you're a dead man, ' snarled the robber. 那強盜厲聲叫道: `不許動,不然就打死你.;'
- The dead man was identified by his fingerprint. 用他指紋辨認出了死者。
- The dead man was battered to death with a hammer. 這個死去的男人是被鎚子猛擊而死。
- Even their uniform makes them look bigger thanks to the pointed grenadier』s cap;a tricorne gets in the way of a good throw. 甚至連他們的服裝都有其特殊之處:擲彈兵制服讓他們看起來更為高大,尖頂軍帽可以使得投擲炸彈更加方便。
- He looked at the dead man in horror. 他恐懼地看著那個死人。
- The sight of a dead man made my hair stand on end. 看見死人使我毛骨悚然。
- If l don't pay off Jabba the Hut,l'm a dead man. 假如我不還賈巴的錢的話,我想我就死定了