- From day to day the town changes. 這座城鎮的面貌天天在發生變化。
- We muddle along from day to day. 我們一天天地混日子。
- She has been taking exercises to lose weight from day to day. 她每天鍛煉來減肥。
- Creeps in this petty pace from day to day. 一天接著一天地躡步前進
- He smokes opium and drinks wine from day to day. 他天天抽鴉片、喝酒。
- You have been worse from day to day. 你的情形每下愈況。
- The weather varies from day to day. 天氣一天天變化。
- A baby's need for food can vary from day to day. 嬰兒對食物的需要天天都在變化。
- My mood seems to fluctuate from day to day. 我的情緒似乎天天在變。
- China is growing mightier from day to day. 中國日益強大。
- The temperature fluctuates from day to day. 溫度天天在變化。
- His mood varied from day to day. 他的情緒每天都有變化。
- Providing one-stop service - day to day management. 提供一站式的服務
- He grow so quickly. He change from day to day. 他長得好快,幾乎每天在變。
- Meantime, from day to day they endure. 同時,一天天他們捱了下去。
- Her mood varies from day to day. 她的心情天天在變化。
- No one knows what will happen from day to day. 沒有人知道每天會發生什麼事。
- Your sleep needs vary from day to day. 你的睡眠需要每天不斷的變化。
- Day to day administration of contracts. 日常合同管理。
- Our work plan be go to be discus then. 要討論我們的工作計劃。