- The populace at large are opposed to sudden change. 人民群眾普遍反對突然實行的變革。
- The question is discussed at large in my report. 我在報告中對該問題作了詳細的探討。
- We will talk at large about it later. 我們以後對這個再作詳盡探討。
- The escaped criminal is still at large. 逃走的罪犯仍逍遙法外。
- The escaped prisoner is still at large. 越獄犯依然在逃。
- They assesse damages at $90 000. 他們估計損失賠償金額為 90 000 美元。
- You can claim damages at the counter over there. 你可以到那邊的櫃檯要求賠償損失。
- The populace at large is/are opposed to sudden change. 人民群眾普遍反對突然實行的變革。
- When we talk about the world, we mean the world at large. 當我們說到世界,是指整個世界。
- A few years ago there was unrest in the country at large. 幾年前全國發生了動亂。
- Zoo felt obliged to investigate the puma at large. 動物園感到有必要調查逃遁的美洲獅了。
- These captive animals will be set at large. 這些被捕獲的動物將被放出去。
- Cattle and sheep are roaming at large on the ranch. 牛羊正在牧場上自由自在地漫遊。
- The escaped prisoner a still at large. 那個逃犯還在逍遙法外。
- Yet Isabel and Markal are still at large. 現在伊莎貝爾和馬卡爾仍然佔據上風。
- Gossip percolated through the country at large. 閑話傳遍了全國各地。
- The bathroom shelter was not damaged at all. 由浴室構成的掩避室卻完好無恙。
- It is disturbing to think a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. 一想到有一頭危險的野獸還沒有被捕獲,仍在這僻靜的鄉村,就讓人憂慮不安。
- I estimate the damage at $8,000. 我估計那項損失達8000美元。
- He is popular with the people at large. 他頗受一般群眾歡迎。