- The head injury deafened her for life. 她頭部受傷以致終身耳聾。
- Let 's head back to the intersection. 我們開回到那個交叉路口去。
- She received severe head injuries in the accident. 她在事故中頭部受了重傷。
- The nurse cushioned the patient 's head. 護士在病人頭部鋪上墊子。
- He sustains a terrible head injury. 他的頭部受了嚴重的外傷。
- He is modeling the girl 's head in clay. 他在用粘土製作女孩的頭部塑像。
- She cushioned the baby 's head in her lap. 她讓嬰兒的頭部枕在自己大腿上。
- She cushioned the baby 's head in her lap . 她讓嬰兒的頭部枕在自己大腿上。
- Mary 's arm pillowed the baby 's head . 嬰兒枕在瑪麗的臂上。
- An iron helmet to guard against head injury. 防止頭部受傷的鐵頭盔。
- Old Clubfoot wrenched the bull』s head to the side. 舊馬蹄扳牛市的頭部至一邊。
- Have you ever had a head injury? 頭部受過傷嗎?
- Sam : Let』s head to Main Beach at East Hampton. 山姆 :我們去東漢普敦的大海灘吧。
- I had a head injury in an accident. 我的頭曾經因車禍受過傷。
- The nurse cushioned the patient 's head . 護士在病人頭部鋪上墊子。
- He sketched a boy』s head on the sketchpad. (他在速寫簿上畫出了男孩頭像素描。)
- The fox\'s wiles will never enter the lion\'s head. 狐狸的詭計永遠進不了獅子的頭腦。
- She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but from head injury when she fell down a flight of stairs. 她90歲時去逝,並不是老死,而是從樓梯上摔下來頭部受傷而死。
- A head injury can also activate the Third Eye - Pineal Gland. 頭受傷也能刺激第三隻眼睛-松果體。
- The driver suffered head injuries. 司機頭部受傷。