- cut in wind speed 接入風速
- Steady...keep an eye on that flag.Watch for any change in wind speed an direction. 也沒什麼啦!看過了,象萊科寧的車迷對這是「百看不厭」。(絕對不是我)
- Squalls or violent gusts often occur with thunderstorms. They bring about abrupt increases in wind speed and drastic changes in wind direction. 雷暴中常出現狂風或猛烈陣風,風速驟然增強或風向突然改變。
- When the weather condition is unstable, a change in wind direction and wind speed may cause an invisible spinning effect in the lower atmosphere. 在天氣不穩定的情況下,風向改變,風速增強,在大氣層較低地區形成一股肉眼看不見的橫向旋渦。
- Our tanks cut in ahead of the escaping aggressors. 我們的坦克搶到前面去攔住那些潰逃的侵略者。
- Places unobstructed to the northeast like Cheung Chau, Sai Kung and Waglan Island generally saw a surge in wind speed after sunset. 東北面比較少屏障的站點如長洲、西貢和橫瀾島的風速普遍於日落後急速上升。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 號碼將雕刻在一塊金屬板上。
- NAKRI weakened dramatically since last night, averaging 10-15 knots in wind speed per 6 hours. At 14 HKT, NAKRI was centred about 1040 km (560 NM) WSW of Iwo Jima. 娜基莉由昨晚開始大幅減弱,平均每6小時風速減弱了10至15海里。在14HKT,娜基莉集結在硫磺島西南偏西約1040公里(560海里)。
- A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狹長形寶石被切成細條形的寶石
- The mechanical analysis and the trimming were performed for a novel near space aircraft which uses the variation in wind speed at high altitude to control its flight path. 對一種利用高空風的風速差控制飛行軌跡的新型低能耗臨近空間飛行器,進行了力學分析與配平計算。
- The lorry overtook me and then cut in (on me). 那輛卡車超越我的車後,突然插入我前方的位置。
- Don't try to cut in while others are talking. 別人談話時不要插嘴。
- The workers had to take a cut in pay. 工人們只得同意削減工資。
- The dynamic characteristics of evaporation process for naphtha and crude oil were researched in three aspects of different wind speed, evaporation area and relative location of evaporation surface to ground in wind tunnel. 摘要從環境風速、蒸發麵積和蒸發液池與地面相對位置3方面分別對石腦油和原油的蒸發動力學特性進行了風洞實驗研究。
- Where can we make a cut in this long article? 這篇長文在什麽地方可以刪掉一些?
- The cut in his finger was sewn up with a piece of fine silk. 他手上的傷口用一根細細的絲線縫合起來。
- In an average wind speed 2.0 m / sec. 年平均風速為2.;0米/秒。
- Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax. 市民的情緒是贊成減稅。
- I had my hair cut in the barber's. 我在理髮店理髮了。
- I had to swerve when that road hog overtook me and cut in front. 當那個玩命的司機駕車強行超車搶在我面前時,我只得急轉彎。