- No caps were touched, no curtseys bobbed. 村裡人見了他們,也不脫帽,也不鞠躬。
- The two young girls in their white dresses, with roses alike in their black hair, made curtsies just alike, but unconsciously the hostess's eyes rested longer on the slender figure of Natasha. 兩個小女孩穿著白色連衣裙,在那烏黑的頭髮上戴著同樣的玫瑰花,行了個同樣的屈膝禮,但是女主人禁不住把她的視線更久地停留在苗條的娜塔莎身上。
- She curtseyed to him (young ladies made curtseys in those days),with a pretty desire to convey to him that she felt how much older and wiser he was than she. 她向他行了個屈膝禮(那時年輕的婦女還行屈膝禮),同時溫婉可愛地表示,她認為他比她要年長許多。
- She curtseyed to him (young ladies made curtseys in those days), with a pretty desire to convey to him that she felt how much older and wiser he was than she. 她向他行了個屈膝禮(那時年輕的婦女還行屈膝禮),同時溫婉可愛地表示,她認為他比她要年長許多。
- Cannot make curtsies for the salary of five busthles of rice 不能為五斗米折腰
- whenever the wind blew, the Reed made the most graceful curtseys. 個愛買弄風情的人,因為她總是與風調情。」
- in addition to smiles, bows, and curtsies, they put a hand over their hearts and waved handkerchiefs at great length. 這一次除了微笑、點頭、鞠躬,他們兩人還都用手捂住自己的心口,然後向對方揮動著手帕。
- There were aspersions cast, sotto voce, but knees quickly folded into curtsies when introductions were in order(Barbara Lazear Ascher) 有人悄悄地中傷誹謗他人,但當序曲奏響的時候,人們很快就行起了屈膝禮(芭芭拉 拉齊爾 阿舍)
- "There were aspersions cast, sotto voce, but knees quickly folded into curtsies when introductions were in order" (Barbara Lazear Ascher) 「有人悄悄地中傷誹謗他人,但當序曲奏響的時候,人們很快就行起了屈膝禮」(芭芭拉·拉齊爾·阿舍)
- There was no communication between Wragby Hall and Tevershall village, none. No caps were touched, no curtseys bobbed. The colliers merely stared 勒格貝和達娃斯哈村落是毫無來往的。村裡人見了他們,也不脫帽,也不鞠躬。礦工們見了只是眼睜地望著。
- There was no communication Between Wragby Hall and Tevershall village, none. No caps were touched, no curtseys Bobbed. The colliers merely stared; 勒格貝和達娃斯哈村落是毫無來往的。村裡人見了他們,也不脫帽,也不鞠躬。礦工們見了只是眼睜地望著。