No calculating planter would care to part with a crippled slave for the current price of one dollar. 任何精打細算的種植園主都不會為了當時的時價一美元而把這個跛腳的奴隸買掉。
Your counteroffer does not come in line with the current rate. 你們的還盤與現行市價不符。
However,if the gold price falls,instead,you would sustain a loss having to buy gold at a price much higher than the current market price. 然而,如果金價下跌,你將會蒙受虧損,因為你得以比市價還要高的價錢購買黃金。
Monitors operating expenses to ensure the cost of sale is in line with the annual budget. 控制日常開支以保證收支平衡。