The study aims to identify wood-decaying fungi according to their mycelial cultural characters before fruit bodies formed. 以便在未見子實體時,可根據從腐朽材分離培養出菌絲的純培養特性,鑒定腐朽菌的種類。
Marriage custom is one of the social customs and habits that can best embody the lifestye and special cultural quality of one place. 摘要婚姻習俗是最能體現一個地方風情面貌和文化特質的社會習俗之一。
Above all, the folkloric cultural property represented by the spirit of innovation and tolerance gives mental support to regional social transformation. 最為重要的是,以創新精神和包容精神為代表的地方民俗文化特質,為區域社會轉型提供了精神支撐。