- A Brief Research on Cultural and Educational Right 略論文化教育權利
- Cultural and educational policy. 關於文化教育政策。
- Fifthly, cultural and educational policy should be changed. 第五、文化教育政策的改革。
- Organs of self-government have the right to handle local financial,economic,cultural and educational affairs. 自治機關有自主地管理本地方財政、經濟、文化、教育事業的自治權利。
- Organs of self-government have the right to handle local financial, economic, cultural and educational affairs. 自治機關有自主地管理本地方財政、經濟、文化、教育事業的自治權利。
- Jewish Culture and Education IV. 猶太文化教育研究。
- Related to culture and education is the question of public health. 同文化教育相聯繫的還有衛生問題。
- Become an international well-known cultural and educational disseminating company! 成為國際的知名文教傳媒機構!
- What are included in the new standard contract for employment of foreign cultural and educational experts? 聘請外國文教專家新的標準合同包括哪些內容?
- What are the quarantine regulations of sanitation and health for foreign cultural and educational experts? 外國文教專家的衛生健康檢疫有哪些規定?
- What if the cultural and educational expert refuses to sign the contract after coming to China? 受聘文教專家來華后拒絕簽訂合同怎麼辦?
- What is the current guiding salary standard for a foreign cultural and educational expert? 外國文教專家的現行指導性月工資標準是多少?
- What is the foreign exchange rate in the monthly salary of foreign cultural and educational experts? 外國文教專家月工資中的外匯比例是多少?
- "As part of our cultural and educational plans, London will launch its very own ship, the Olympic FriendShip," he said. 「作為我們文化和教育方案的一部分,倫敦將為自己的一艘船奧林匹克友誼船舉行下水儀式。」他說。
- Purpose To encourage the cultural and educational enterprise, and cultivatetalents in glass industry. 成立主旨獎助文化教育事業,培育玻璃工業人才為宗旨。
- A unit that employs cultural and educational experts from abroad shallreport the case to MIO for record. 聘用國外文教專家的單位,應將聘用情況抄報市引進辦備案。
- A city of northeast Honshu, Japan, on an inlet of the Pacific Ocean north of Tokyo. It is an important cultural and educational center. Population,700, 248. 仙台日本本州島東北部一城市,位於東京北面的太平洋入口。它是重要的文化和教育中心。人口700,248
- Include to get educational right. 包括受教育的權利。
- Its importance cannot be overstressed;modernization needs it, and so do regular business operations, cultural and educational exchanges, etc. etc. 它的首要性怎麼強調也不為過:現代化需要它,商貿活動需要它,文化教誨交流需要它,等等,不一而足。
- Cultural and educational spilite Town: A hospital, a clinic, the doctor 6, and 6 beds. There are 14 types of schools, 4218 students, teachers 146. 碧岩鎮文教衛生:有醫院、衛生所1所,醫生6人,床位6張。有各類學校14所,在校學生4218人,教師146人。