- Compared with the modern civil law system that divides property rights between jus in rem and aes suum, the right of「ye」seems more inclusive. 與現代民法將財產權劃分為物權和債權的體系相比較,業權似乎具有更大的包容性。
- Ascaris suum is a common nematode (Nematoda, Ascarida, Ascaridae) in the small intestine of pigs. 豬蛔蟲(Ascaris suum)屬於線蟲綱(Nematoda)蛔目(Ascarida)蛔科(Ascaridae),寄生於豬小腸,可導致豬的腹瀉、消瘦、貧血、出血、生長不良,並易引起其它疾病的繼發。
- Objective:To study the effect of housefly larval secretion on the development of Ascaris suum eggs . 目的:觀察家蠅幼蟲分泌物對豬蛔蟲卵發育的影響。
- Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum, ut Filium suum unigenitum daret, ut omnis, qui credit in eum, non pereat, sed habeat vitam aeternam. 16天主竟這樣愛了世界,甚至賜下了自己的獨生子,使凡信他的人不至喪亡,反而獲得永生,
- There has been continued controversy on the taxonomy of Ascaris lumbricoides Linnaeus,1758 from humans and Ascaris suum Goeze,1782 from pigs. 人蛔蟲和豬蛔蟲的分類地位一直存在爭議。
- At the same time the obligors share the mature aes suum they are unwilling to exert actively because of their self-interest, which damages the boligees" interest and influences economic order. 而對於自己對第三人享有的到期債權,出於自身的某種私利又不積極地行使權利。以致拖欠債務長期不還,給債權人造成損害,使社會經濟秩序的正常運行受到干擾和影響。
- Objective:To understand and compare the inactivation effect on ascaris suum eggs in urine directing toilets and methane tanks with two-pipe hydraulic pressure type and automatic residue extraction. 目的:了解糞尿分集式廁所及水壓式雙管道自動排渣沼氣池兩種生態衛生廁所對豬蛔卵的滅活效果並進行比較。
- suum cuique [拉](=To each his own)各應得其所有,各宜得其所應得(普魯士黑鷹勳章上的銘言)
- nemo contra factum suum venire potest 誰亦不能出爾反爾
- ??Juris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere.(There are the precepts of the law: To live honorably, to hurt nobody, to render to every one his due. 法律的格言是這樣的:體面地生活,不傷害任何人,使人們各得其所。
- classic swine fever and Pasteurellosis suum 豬瘟豬肺疫
- Keywords Ascaris suum;cultivation in vitro;exsheath in vitro; 豬蛔蟲;體外培養;體外脫鞘;
- Keywords Ascaris suum larvae;isolation;NaClO;glass-bead;agar-gel; 豬蛔蟲幼蟲;分離;次氯酸鈉;玻璃珠;瓊脂凝膠;
- Keywords Ascaris lumbricoides;Ascaris suum;Comparison; 關鍵詞人蛔蟲;豬蛔蟲;比較;
- Keywords houseflies;larva;secretion;swine;feces;Ascaris suum;ovum; 家蠅;幼蟲;分泌;豬;糞便;蛔蟲;卵;
- suum eggs per gram of feces (epg) was highly to 7100 60d after inoculation. 60d后對豬糞便進行檢查,每克糞便中蟲卵數高達7,100個,成功地複製出來豬蛔蟲病理模型。
- Keywords urine directing toilet;methane tank;Ascaris suum eggs;survival rate; 糞尿分集式廁所;水壓式雙管道自動排渣沼氣池;豬蛔蟲卵;存活率;
- Primary studies on the functions of gender-specific genes of Ascaris suum using RNA interference 應用RNA干擾技術對豬蛔蟲性別相關基因功能的初步研究
- Changing of pestis suum property when coming on and its diagnosis as well as control method 豬瘟發病特點的變化及其診斷與防制措施
- HE staining of uterus cells of Ascaris suum by egg albumin-glycerine smear technique 應用蛋清甘油塗片技術對豬蛔蟲子宮細胞HE染色觀察