- Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties. 暴力罪行要承受嚴厲的懲罰。
- There is a smack of recklessness in his character. 他的個性有些魯。
- Each has an element of recklessness. 每個力量都帶有鹵莽的因素。
- Curse of Recklessness has been removed. 魯莽詛咒被移除。
- Three cases of reckless driving within one year. 在一年內三次魯莽駕駛。
- Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stallin. 我們不能掩飾他的罪行。
- Case study on crimes of embezzling public money II. 挪用公款罪判解研究2。
- With crimes of passion, there's no premeditation. 衝動型犯罪不是預謀所以比較晚知道。
- Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin. 讓我們不要粉飾斯大林的罪惡了。
- The object of the crime of kidnapping is single. 摘要綁架罪侵犯的客體是單一客體。
- The old lady notified the crime of the police. 那位老婦人向警察報了案。
- A Research on the Crime of Financial Fraud II. 金融詐騙罪研究2。
- The evidence points to a crime of passion. 證據顯示是情殺。她的丈夫懊惱不已,妻子不忠的流言令他很震驚。
- You can accuse crime of fraud of the other side. 你可以控告對方詐騙罪。
- Crime of fraud belongs to civil code. 詐騙罪屬於民法。
- He acknowledged his crime of bribery. 他承認他犯有受賄罪。
- One who commits the crime of rape. 強姦犯犯下強姦罪行的人
- Part One: Outline of the Crime of Embezzlement. 第二部分:侵占罪的犯罪構成,這是本文的核心所在。
- Clark was accused of the crime of homicide. 克拉克被指控犯有謀殺罪。
- The crime of robbery is based on violence. 搶劫罪是建立在暴力的基礎上的。