- Forcible seizure of another's property;plunder. 搶劫用武力強搶別人的財物;劫掠
- The other is the distinction between forcible rape and other criminal acts such as crime of fornication with an underage girl, crime of forcible filth and crime of dishonoring a woman. 二是強姦罪與其他相關罪的區別,主要是與姦淫幼女罪、強制猥褻、侮辱婦女罪的區別。
- Forcible seizure of another's property; plunder. 搶劫用武力強搶別人的財物;劫掠
- The object of the crime of kidnapping is single. 摘要綁架罪侵犯的客體是單一客體。
- Whoever commits the crimes of theft, fraud, or forcible seizure, and uses violence, or threats to use violence, at the scene in order to conceal booty, resist arrest or destroy criminal evidence 犯盜竊、詐騙、搶奪罪,為窩藏贓物、抗拒抓捕或者毀滅罪證而當場使用暴力或者以暴力相威脅的,
- The old lady notified the crime of the police. 那位老婦人向警察報了案。
- crime of forcible entry 闖入罪
- A Research on the Crime of Financial Fraud II. 金融詐騙罪研究2。
- The evidence points to a crime of passion. 證據顯示是情殺。她的丈夫懊惱不已,妻子不忠的流言令他很震驚。
- You can accuse crime of fraud of the other side. 你可以控告對方詐騙罪。
- In recent years, motorcycling robbery and forcible seizure in our country is increasingly changing and gravely influences social stability. 摘要近年來,我國飛車搶劫、搶奪犯罪日趨發展變化,嚴重影響了社會的安定。
- Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties. 暴力罪行要承受嚴厲的懲罰。
- Crime of fraud belongs to civil code. 詐騙罪屬於民法。
- He acknowledged his crime of bribery. 他承認他犯有受賄罪。
- One who commits the crime of rape. 強姦犯犯下強姦罪行的人
- Part One: Outline of the Crime of Embezzlement. 第二部分:侵占罪的犯罪構成,這是本文的核心所在。
- Clark was accused of the crime of homicide. 克拉克被指控犯有謀殺罪。
- The crime of robbery is based on violence. 搶劫罪是建立在暴力的基礎上的。
- Those who had had seats on the first bus and now found themselves without any declared righteously that the original seating should be observed, that the Republic of China was not a land of robbers, and that people should not resort to forcible seizure. 原車有座位而現在沒座位的那些人,都振振有詞說:該照原車的位子坐,中華民國不是強盜世界,大家別講。
- The crime of loving is forgetting. 對愛情的犯罪是忘卻.