- Be careful not to crease up my book. 小心別把我的書弄皺了。
- Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it. 包裝時請不要將襯衫弄縐了。
- The pay in crease is backdated to January 1st. 增加的工資將從1月1日算起。
- A crease in the skin, especially on the face; a wrinkle. 皺紋皮膚褶皺,尤指臉上的; 皺紋
- The joke caused me to crease up. 這個笑話使我捧腹大笑。
- Lo que transmites crea tu vida y crea el planeta. 你所傳輸的東西,創造了你的生活和創造了地球。
- All the fees are charged and managed by CREA. 所有費用,均由中國房協收取和管理。
- A line or crease in the skin, as from age. 皺紋皮膚上的皺紋,如因年老而引起
- Y: Tua suocera non vi crea nessun disturbo? 你的岳母不會給你們造成困擾嗎?
- A line or crease in the skin,as from age. 皺紋皮膚上的皺紋,如因年老而引起
- His face crease in a knowing smile. 他的臉上露出狡黠的笑容。
- Be careful not to crease up the pages! 小心別把這些書頁弄皺了!
- Soft Crease Plastic Folding Box. 柔軟線折盒方便,易折,外形美觀。
- Wrinkle: A line or crease in the skin, as from age. 皮膚上的皺紋,如因年老而引起。
- An irregular fold,crease,or wrinkle. 不規則摺痕,不規則皺摺,不規則皺紋
- Be careful not to crease up the page ! 小心別把這些書頁弄皺了!
- A: Be careful not to crease up the pages! 小心別把這些書頁弄皺了。
- Aluminum foil must not crease after heating. 鋁箔在加熱后不得起皺。
- An irregular fold, crease, or wrinkle. 不規則摺痕,不規則皺摺,不規則皺紋
- Be careful not to bend (or crease) the picture. 別把畫片窩了。