a hinged pair of curved iron bars; used to raise heavy objects
an iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing
用作名詞 (n.)
Although they resemble approach shoes, they have the grip of a honed crampon. 僅管這雙鞋看起來相似於其它鞋子,但卻具有如同釘鞋般好的抓地力。
During the descent, the rope got stuck in Pasangs crampon and was torn away from his pack and fell down the abyss. 在下撤過程中,繩索鉤住了帕桑的冰爪;冰爪從他的背包上被扯下來掉到了深淵裡。
On snowslopes, beware of soft, sticky snow that balls up between crampon points, transforming them into roller skates in a matter of seconds. 在雪坡上,小心軟而粘的雪沾到冰爪齒間,經過一段時間會變的硬而且滑。