- He was weak, cowardly and treacherous. 他軟弱、膽怯、奸詐。
- The prey was crafty and on its guard. 那獵物是陰險的,它有所提防。
- Now I see that you are callous and treacherous. 現在我可看清了,你是個冷酷無情,居心叵測的傢伙。
- Complicated formulas were a grind and treacherous. 複雜的公式既是一份苦差又不可靠。
- He was artful and treacherous, and stouthearted soldier. 他是一個狡猾、奸詐而堅強的戰士。
- These animals are all crafty and clever at hiding. 這些動物都很狡猾,它們擅長躲藏。
- In conclusion, dating doesn't have to be difficult and treacherous. 作為結論,約會不一定得是困難和靠不住的。
- The oil made the ground slippery and treacherous to walk on. 油使地面發滑,走在上面很危險。
- He had a frank friendly look, but at heart he was crafty and ruthless. 他表面上和和氣氣,骨子裡卻陰險狠毒。
- They are kind-hearted and honest, they are not crafty and don't have ulterior motives. 他們的心總是善良的,是誠實的,不是狡猾的,不是別有用心的。
- There were still some crafty and fawning ministers who followed Zhao Gao closely in ordinary times. 還有一些平時就緊跟趙高的奸佞之人立刻表示擁護趙高的說法,對皇上說,「這確是一匹千里馬!」
- Nature is crafty and attracts many, ensnaring and deceiving them while ever seeking itself. 本性詭詐而吸引人,它尋求滿足自己,但卻欺瞞許多人,引誘他們進入羅網;
- In 「crafty Ulysses」 and 「Richard the Lion-Hearted」 the epithets are 「crafty」 and 「the Lion-Hearted」. 狡詐的尤利塞斯和異常勇猛的查里德綽號分別是「狡詐」和「異常勇猛」。
- I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous shoals if I could only have change-change and the excitment of unforeseen. 如果我只是能夠擁有無法預料的改變和激動,那麼我已準備去面對猙獰的暗礁和詭異的淺灘。
- I'm surprised how crafty and clever he is with the ball, how he can get in the paint. 我驚訝於他有球時的花招和機敏,以及他打進三秒區/籃下的方式。
- I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous shoals, if I could only have change-change and the excitement of unforeseen. 我已做好準備,應付嶙峋的礁石和狡猾的魚群,只要(生活)不再單調就好---(我渴望)變化,以及未知世界所帶來的興奮。
- The spume and sea spray from the rising tide made the rocks along the beach slick and treacherous. 漲潮時濺起的泡沫和浪花使海灘上的岩石變得又滑又危險。
- In fact, many of Hermes deeds earned him a reputation as a crafty and promiscuous trickster and it was because of this that he was honored as the patron of thieves. 事實上,赫爾墨斯的許多事迹為他贏得了詭計多端和無區別的騙子,這是因為他被作為小偷的贊助人而受到崇拜。
- We need to take out powerful and treacherous court officials and regenerate the country. 我們要剷除權奸,重整江山。