- Our price is much lower than that in the international market. 我們的價格比目前國際市場價格低得多。
- The new product is mopping up on the international market. 這種新產品在國際市上銷售迅速。
- Our price is much lower than in the international market. 我們的價格比目前國際市場價格低得多。
- Our counter offer is in line with the international market. 我方的還盤與國際行情是一致的。
- Our price is reasonable compared with that in the international market. 我們的價格和國際市場的價格相比還是合理的。
- Our price is attractive as compared with that in the international market. 與國際市場相比,我們的價格是有吸引力的。
- The price for this commodity is US$25 per pound in the international market. 這種商品國際市場的價格是每磅二十五美元。
- Our price is reasonable as compared with that in the international market. 我們的價格和國際市場的價格相比還是合理的。
- The price in the international market is changing frequently. 世界市場價格經常在變化。
- Our product is competitive in the international market. 我們的產品在國際市場上具有競爭力。
- These patterns are quite popular in the international market. 這些產品的花色是目前國際市場上比較流行的。
- Our counter-offer is in line with the international market price. 我們的還盤與國際市場價格是相符的。
- We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. 我們可以按國際市場價格給您報價。
- These two companies are both minnows in the international market. 在國際市場上,這兩家公司都是微不足道的。
- Our counter-offer is in line with the international market. 我們的還盤符合國際市場的行情。
- Trend of the Oil Price in the International Market This Summer? 今夏國際油價將何去何從?
- Our product sells very well in the international market. 我們的產品在國際市場上銷路很好。
- We dcan wffer you a quotation basedx upon the international market. 我們可以按國際市場價格給您報價。
- We readjust our price according to the international market. 我們是根據世界市場的行情來調整價格的。
- Quayside container cranes in the international market share of 78%. 岸邊集裝箱起重機的國際市場佔有率為78%25以上。