- He had been badly battered about the head and face. 他被打得鼻青臉腫。
- To have head and face, a super-strong first class English! 有頭有臉,超強一級英語!
- LAN chat program. Servers need to support the head and face. 區域網聊天程序.;需要伺服器;支持頭像與表情
- The guy had smashed a tequila bottle over my head and face. 這傢伙已搗破一個酒一瓶我的頭部和面部。
- Helmet: Goalkeepers by wearing to protect his head and face. 頭盔:守門員所戴,用以保護頭部和臉部。
- One of the long-proven features of natural latex being used in pillow is its perfect contouring of human』s head and neck. 經過長期試驗證明,天然乳膠應用於枕頭中,因其能完美地為您的頭頸部提供舒適的承托。
- A length of netting attached to a woman's hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face. 面罩附於婦女的帽子或頭巾上的一段網狀物,穿戴起來用作裝飾或保護頭部或臉部
- Then the others begin work on one's new head and face, which requires the skills of a sculptor. 然後,其他換生靈會在他新的頭臉上下功夫,這需要雕刻家的技藝。
- Frontal Impact The airbag deployed but the driver』s head and chest hit the steering wheel. 正面碰撞安全氣囊部署,但駕駛員的頭部和胸部打方向盤。
- A complete set of type of one size and face. 一副活字一整套同樣尺寸和型號的活字模
- An often grotesque representation of a head and face, used for ornamentation. 頭像面或頭部通常奇怪的象徵,用於裝飾
- This, testers concluded after inspecting the car, caused the seat belt to slacken and allowed the driver』s head and chest to hit the steering wheel. 這個,測試人員得出結論:檢查車,造成安全帶的速度和允許車手頭部和胸部打方向盤。
- A person has one head and one neck. 每人都有一個頭,一個脖子。
- The height of model FRM-1120LD』s head and conveyor both can be adjusted, so as to making widely using, it also match to operate with production line. FRM-1120LD機型的機頭和輸送台均可升降調整,適用範圍更廣,也可以與生產線配套使用。
- As the monsignor from the family』s church pressed the crucifix to Michael』s head and began last rites, Kathy noticed her son』s breathing was becoming more labored. 當來自家族教堂的閣下把十字架按在麥克的頭上並開始最後的儀式時,凱西注意到她兒子的呼吸正越來越吃力。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦乾了雙手和面部。
- Get the stardust out of your eyes and face reality. 拋棄天真的想法而面對現實。
- CODEX Ginseng standard to cover one species? 國際食品法典委員會起草完成人蔘質量標準?
- A Thai-style round kick to the neck or head causes far more damage than a taekwondo round kick, which uses the instep to make contact, because of the lack of padding on the shin and on the recipient』s head and neck. 泰國風格的圓形球頸部或頭部的起因遠遠多於跆拳道輪踢;用腳背作接觸;因為缺乏灌水對善和受援國的頭部和頸部.
- Chorea is an aimless and irregular,fast and involuntary movement of head and face,and four extremities. 舞蹈病臨床常見以頭面部及四肢無目地不規則,快速不自主的運動,呈突然發作。