- Meizhou"s urbanization depends largely on development of mountain area economy. 梅州城鎮化是以發展山區經濟為動力的農村城鎮化。
- Wuqiao Community project originates from Wenzhou"s urban renewal. 方案構思基於以人為本和可持續發展的思想。
- And it advances that China』s urbanization can』t adopt concentricity model, and it should take the model of decentralization. 論述了城市化的一些基本問題,得出了城市化是推動社會經濟發展的必由之路的結論,並提出了中國城市化不能走集中性城市發展道路,只能走分散化城市發展道路的結論;
- On a more basic level, habits like spitting and littering still persist in China' s urban and rural areas. 在一個更基礎的層面上,在中國的廣大城鄉地區,隨地吐痰和亂扔垃圾的習慣仍在持續。
- PSU』s Urban Center and Plaza is a vibrant urban place which connects PSU to the City. PSU大學城中心廣場是一個極具活力的城市露天場所。
- Many of Mexico』s urban poor live in overcrowded and substandard rental units(Gilbert and Varley 1991). 墨西哥城市貧困人口中的許多人居住在擁擠不堪和不安全的租用房子里(吉爾伯特.;瓦爾利 1991)。
- A team from the University of California, Berkeley, took a hard look at Tianjin』s urban superblocks. 一個加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校的小組認真查看了天津市的超大社區。
- With quickening process of China"s urbanization and the more quality of life that urbanites go after, nowadays people need more and more natural greenbelt and diversities of recreation space. 隨著中國城市化進程的加快以及城市居民對生活品質追求的不斷提高,人們對城市綠地自然環境和多樣性休閑空間的要求也越來越高。
- Yet the facade of China's urban coastal economy hides problems that.sooner or later.are sure to put a damper on the celebration. 中國沿海都市的經濟表面掩藏著很多問題.;遲早
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外國僑民被要求離開該國。
- It has been impossible for most of Mexico』s urban families to purchase a housing unit in the formal(i.e.,legally sanctioned)real estate market. 對墨西哥大多數城市家庭來說,要在正規的(即依法批准的)房地產市場購買一套住宅幾乎是不可能的。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一個國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。
- This paper systematically analyzes the ZhuZhou"s urban landscape, and finds out the existing problems and their reasons.Certainly the method to solve them is given. 文章對株洲市城市景觀進行了分析,找出了存在的問題和導致問題出現的原因,相應地給出了解決問題的思路。
- The next part analysized Hangzhou"s urban colourscape all-sided, and gives out the principle of colourscape design and the control guide according to different modality of space. 第三部分,對杭州城市色彩景觀特色進行了全面的解析,提出杭州城市色彩景觀設計的總體原則和針對不同空間形態的控制導引。
- She got her spunk up and left the country. 她一怒之下離開了這個國家。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使這個國家經濟成長的無名英雄。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 愛好藝術的人在這個國家只佔少數。
- After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜歡躲到鄉下鬆弛一下。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 從經濟學的觀點來說,國家處於很興旺的狀態之中。
- The church supper is the grandfather of the country club. 教堂的晚餐聚會是鄉間俱樂部的前身。