- A photoelectric counting system for small size parts is introduced in this paper. 摘要介紹一種針對微小器件的光電感應計數系統。
- Brief the exploitation and principle of the high tension transcribe cost counting system of Shangcheng County. 簡單介紹了商城縣高壓電抄表計費系統的開發過程及原理。
- The online bar steel counting system includes the counting system and the bundling system. 在線棒材計數系統包括計數系統和打捆系統,後者主要是精確分離棒材。
- A new and simple gated photon counting system is described for the recovery of optical parameters in diffusive media. 討論了一種新型而且簡單的門控光子計數法,用來測量高散射介質的光學參量。
- Secondly the paper explains how to establish the cost counting system with ABC (Activity-Based Costing) and the cost analysis system with ABM (Activity-Based Management). 其次建立以作業成本計算(ABC)為基礎的成本計算系統,以作業管理(ABM)為基礎的成本分析系統;
- An automatic counting system was developed to count the ciliate, such as paramecium, and obtained more accurate and efficient results as compared to the manual counting method. 該系統已被成功使用於草履蟲等纖毛類原生動物的定量,得到了比人工計數更為準確和更高效的實驗結果。
- By using the extremely sensitive R4632 photomultiplier tube and the photon counting system, the lidar system achieved higher signal to noise ratios of Raman and Rayleigh signals. 為提高瑞利和喇曼微弱回波信號信噪比,採用了極高靈敏度的R4632光電倍增管和光子計數技術;
- The online bar steel counting system includes:The counting system and the bundling system,the bundling system mainly solves the bar steel precise separation. 在線棒材計數系統包括:計數系統和打捆系統,打捆系統主要解決棒材的精確分離。
- In the counting system, a semiconductor laser emitter is used as the light source, point laser beam produced by optic system, reflection of part transferred into electric signal by photoelectric triode, and SCM system as the counter. 採用半導體激光發射器作為光源,經過光學系統形成的最小激光束照射器件,反射光由光電三極體進行光電轉換,計數控制使用單片機系統。
- Wrong counts of fertilizer pokes sometimes occurs in old fertilizer poke count system. 傳統的袋裝化肥計數系統,存在漏計和人為誤差的問題。
- High computational burden algorithms such as FFT filtering were avoided in the algorithm, so that the algorithm is applicable to real time objects counting systems. 該演算法避免了傅立葉變換濾波等計算量較大演算法的使用,適用於利用圖像處理進行目標實時計數的領域。
- High computational burden algorithms such as FFT filtering are avoided in the algorithm so that the algorithm is applicable to real time object counting systems. 該演算法避免了傅立葉變換濾波等計算量較大演算法的使用,適用於利用圖像處理進行目標實時點數的領域。
- An Automatic Seed- Counting System 種子自動數粒儀
- Counting cards is the method by which players can beat the game of blackjack. Of the many excellent counting systems available, you will be learning the commonly used high-low system. 玩21點,只有會算牌,你贏的機會才會超過莊家。算牌方法有多種,在此介紹一種簡單易學的算牌方法,稱為高-低算牌法。
- That was the only thing they could count on. 那是他們唯一依靠的東西。
- The little boy can count up to a thousand. 這個小男孩能夠數到一千。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你們的社會裡也有一種等級制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持異議的權利是我們政治體制的組成部分。
- counting system in small enterprises 小企業會計制度
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎麼登錄進入這個系統嗎?