- Let me count the number of characters. 我來數一數一共有多少個字?
- The str_word_count() function counts the number of words in a string. 函數的作用是:計算字元串中的詞數。
- Count the number of words in a string 計算字元串中的詞數
- The number of words used, as in a novel. 用詞的數量,如小說中
- The program counts the number of occurrences of any word, or group of words, within the text. 這個程序可以統計任何單詞或片語在文本中出現的次數。
- We count the number of photos arriving at D1 without the mirror. 我們對沒有放入鏡子時達D1的光子進行計數。
- Count the number of active work items in the current team project. 計算當前團隊項目中的活動工作項數量。
- This is used to count the number of characters in a variable. 計算變數里的字元數。
- The number of words in the Gettysburg Address. 亞伯拉罕.林肯的蓋茨堡演講詞共有266個單詞。
- I forgot to count the number of the life boats we have on the ship. 我上船之前忘記數我們船上有多少救生艇了。
- The number of sentences is more important than the number of words. 句子量比單詞量更重要。
- Let's reduce the passage to half the number of words. 咱們把這一段減少到一。
- It's not easy to count the number of vibrations of shale shaker. 要數清震動篩的振蕩數是不容易的。
- I can't count the number of times you guys made me laugh. 我記不得有多少次這些人使我笑逐顏開。
- How would you count the number of names in the last column in a list? 如何計算列表中最後一列的名稱數?
- Select Count to count the number of contacts that are displayed in the result. 選擇「計數」以計算在結果中顯示的聯繫人的數目。
- Counting the number of calories you eat is important when dieting. 節食的時候,算一算所吃下的熱量是很重要的。
- You can count the number of items in an array using the count() function. 可以用count()函數來數出數組中元素的個數。
- The use of an excessive number of words;verbiage. 贅詞過多數量詞的運用:冗贅
- Use COUNTA to count the number of cells that contain data in a range or array. 利用函數COUNTA可以計算單元格區域或數組中包含數據的單元格個數。