- Abstract: Zero-crossing edge detection method was analyzed. 文摘:討論二階導數過零邊緣檢測方法。
- Design the detection method of watermark bars of Euros. 提出了歐元水印條碼的識別方法。
- A vehicle detection method using monocular vision is proposed. 提出了一種應用單目視覺進行車輛檢測的方法。
- A Study on the Detection Method of Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emission Signals. 自發耳聲發射信號檢測方法的研究。
- Abstract: A vehicle detection method using monocular vision is proposed. 摘 要: 提出了一種應用單目視覺進行車輛檢測的方法。
- Thus verified the stability and dependability of the detection method. 從而驗證了檢測方法的穩定性和可靠性。
- Experiments evince this algorithm is a good feature detection method. 試驗結果表明這是一種良好的特徵識別方法。
- By analyzing thermal emission polarization detection method, a thermal imaging polarimeter is developed. 通過分析熱紅外偏振探測方法,根據現有條件研製了一種熱紅外成像偏振探測儀。
- The key to APF is an accurate and real-time detecting method. 使用有源濾波器進行精確補償的關鍵在於,實時、準確地檢測出電網中瞬時變化的畸變電流。
- Detection methods for PDC performance are discussed in detail. 對複合片的性能檢測方法進行了詳細的闡述。
- The detecting method is calibrated by a blackbody furnace. 灰份含量較高的煤,其燃燒火焰黑度較大;
- In this paper we develop a new fingertip detection method in cluttered background. 本文提出了一種簡單有效的複雜背景下的實時的指尖檢測方法。
- A new detection method for moving dim small targets in infrared image sequences is presented. 提出了一種紅外圖像序列中運動弱小目標檢測的新方法。
- Detecting methods of cell apoptosis. 細胞凋亡的檢測方法。
- The primary exploration of large power transformer PD UHF detection method is discussed. 針對大型電力變壓器局部放電超高頻檢測法進行了初探性的研究。
- Objective To establish a detection method of IL-8, which has application in the study of hemaimmune reaction road map. 目的建立IL-8測定法用於血液免疫反應路線圖研究。
- This algorithm combinate the ideal of the global state detection method (DDA algorithm) and algorithms based on probe. 該演算法是全局狀態檢測方法(DDA演算法)和基於探針的演算法的結合;
- OBJECTIVE To establish the detection method for bacterial endotoxins in compound mannitol injection. 目的探討建立復方甘露醇注射液細菌內毒素檢查法。
- The neomycin s research situation, biosynthetic pathway, detection method and application, etc. are overviewed. 本文就新黴素研究現狀、生物合成、檢測手段及應用進行了概述。
- But how to design fast and efficient face detection method is still a big problem. 但是設計快速有效的人臉檢測方法仍然是一個難度很大的問題。