- Tiny saw it and couldn』t help but grin slyly in return. 」 / 極小的鋸子它而且無法不狡猾的露齒而笑作為回報。
- The lecture was boring that we couldn『t help yawning. 那場講座真悶,我們都忍不住要打哈欠.
- I couldn' t help feeling jealous when she was promoted over my head. 她獲提升後職位比我高; 我壓抑不住忌妒的心情.
- Between astonishment and joy, she couldn' t help bursting into tears. 她驚喜交集,控制不住放聲大哭起來。
- But still I couldn』t help myself asking who the fucker has removed my luck? 問題的癥結所在就是之前做每一件事的時候,很少問過自己為什麼。
- When we heard the great mews, we couldn't help cheering and dancing. 當我們聽到這一特大好消息時,我們禁不住歡呼雀躍起來。
- If you don t help me,I ll haunt you after my death. 如果你不幫助我,我死後變鬼來纏你。
- Accompanied by the missing, I couldn』t help letting streams of thought flowing through the nib of my pen. 沉思片刻后,離家感懷的情愫宛若潺潺流水般禁不住從我筆下涓涓而出。
- UGO: We couldn』t help but notice that in last week』s episode, Uriel did all the heavy lifting in the fight scenes. 烏戈米:我們不能不注意到,在上周的節目,烏利爾做所有繁重的打鬥場面。
- It』s been a slow awakening.Haunted by a heart full of you, couldn』t help mistaking. 還是,這些話語都不過是掛在嘴邊的語音,說給人聽的好話,毫無實際意義的呢?
- If you don t help me,I ll.haunt you after my death. 如果你不幫助我,我死後變鬼來纏你。
- Although this towering concrete treehouse isn』t really green, we couldn』t help but be awestruck by its sheer craziness. 雖然這個高聳的水泥「樹屋」不是用木頭做成的,我們還是驚艷於它的瘋狂。
- I couldn』t help to hold my tears for several times, not only because of the sad man who miss his wife so much, but also the dog, Lorelei, mostly. 而觸動我的點不是因為那個男人有多想念他的妻子,而是那隻狗,那隻失去它的親人的狗,那個從小扶養它,細心照顧它的女生,在它面前結束了她的生命,而它卻還在日夜的盼著她回來。
- They used to be neat and orderly but now looked a little untidy with pages rolled up.As I stroked their covers I couldn』t help feeling sorry for them. 書已經有些卷了,記得它們借出去的時候還都是平展展的,手撫著書頁,不自禁地有些心疼。
- Since Liu Yuxi also advocated getting rid of the local separatists, he couldn"t help himself writing many poems & articles to celebrate the victories. 削除藩鎮以維護統一,是劉禹錫一貫的政治主張,所以當削藩鬥爭取勝時,他所寫下的一些賀表、詩歌,都是發自內心的。
- This morning China launched the first manned spacecraft.When we heard the great mews, we couldn't help cheering and dancing.The century-old dream has come true. 我們聽到這個好新聞簡直太感動了,載著38歲宇航員楊利偉的神州五號載人太空梭於上午九點鐘在甘肅九泉衛星發射中心發射成功。
- Such being the case, I can'; t help but support him. 既然如此,我不能不支持他。
- For one thing, being unappreciative doesn』t help things change. 首先,缺乏讚賞就不能有助於事物發展。
- We can"t help but compare today"s players with yester year. 我們情不自禁地把今天的球員和往昔的球員比較。