- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- The younger folk would be up on the cottage roofs, turning back the thatch, beating it down firmly with long sticks and pulling off the moss that had grown during the rains of Avril. 那些年少的人,則會爬上房頂,用長棍翻轉上面的茅草,用力地將之打壓結實,再拔掉屋頂上面,上個月,即Avrel月,由於連綿的雨水,而長出來的苔蘚。
- I want a cottage within reach of London. 我想要一幢靠近倫敦的小屋。
- He fixed up the cottage before they moved in. 他把農舍修整好,他們才搬進去。
- The stone made a dent in the roof of my car. 我的汽車頂讓石頭砸了個坑。
- Snipers shot at the invaders from the roof tops. 狙擊手從房頂上向侵略者射擊。
- The cottage was a casualty of the forest fire. 那小屋被森林大火燒毀。
- The rain water drips from the roof. 雨水從屋頂滴下來。
- The cottage could accommodate up to five people. 這間小屋最多能容納5個人。
- During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down. 在暴風中屋頂的瓦片嘩啦啦地落了下來。
- His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill. 他的小屋在山的緩坡上。
- Can you shoot up at the bird on the roof? 你能射中房頂上的那隻鳥嗎?
- The pillars have to support the weight of the roof. 這些柱子須承受屋頂的重量。
- The rain drip down from a leak in the roof. 雨水從屋頂的裂縫中滴漏下來。
- My uncle lived in a small cottage by the river. 我叔叔住在河邊一間小農舍里。
- The rain is leaking in large drop through the roof. 雨正大滴大滴地從屋頂漏下來。
- He lives in a cottage three miles without the town. 他住在城外三英里一所村舍里。
- The roof slopes towards the back of the house. 屋頂向屋子的背面傾斜著。
- The cottage is an ideal place for bird watch. 小屋裡觀鳥的最理想的地方。
- The roof of our house is covered by shingles. 我家的屋頂是用木瓦鋪的。