- Corn is also called "Indian corn". 玉蜀黍又稱為印第安玉米。
- We've had a good harvest of Indian corn this year. 今年的包米大豐收了。
- Maize is also called Indian corn because it was first grown by the American Indians. 因為玉米是美洲印第安人首先種植的,所以又叫做印地安玉米。
- She is especially fond of steamed bread made from Indian corn. 她特別愛吃包穀面的饅頭。
- Because it could be produced almost anywhere and because its yield even on poor land was satisfactory, Indian corn was the chief crop. 由於幾乎任何地方都能種植,而且甚至在貧瘠的土地上的產量也令人滿意,所以印第安玉米成了主要作物。
- Every New Englander might easily raise all his own breadstuffs in this land of rye and Indian corn, and not depend on distant and fluctuating markets for them. 每一個新英格蘭人都可以很容易地在這塊適宜種黑麥和印第安玉米的土地上,生產出他自己所需要的麵包原料,而不依靠那遠方的變動劇烈的市場。
- Thanksgiving Day in America is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpkin pie, Indian corn and so on. 感恩節那天,家家都團聚在一起,享受著像火雞、南瓜餅、印第安玉米等豐美的食物。
- He would never even refuse to assist a neighbor in the roughest toil, and was a foremost man at all country frolics for husking Indian corn, or building stone fences. 他總是樂呵呵地幫別人剝玉米、砌石牆。
- Here is a showoff of my pet--Indian corn I finally managed to grow and harvested a few days ago, when looking at it carefully, it reminds me of pretty gems! 這種玉米不但好看,而且非常好吃呢!今年秋天,我和朋友回鄂爾多斯,在那裡有很多這樣的玉米,我們燉了鍋,吃起來好極了!我現在想起來,還饞的要命呢!
- For example, the very term "Indian corn" that the Englishmen used indicated a debt to the natives, as do the Indian-derived names for corn dishes such as com "pone", "hominy", and "succotash". 譬如英國人使用的「印第安人玉米」一詞,即意味著受恩於土著人。 同樣,取自印第安語的「玉米餅」、「玉米粥」和「豆煮新鮮玉米」等也一併包含著此義。
- Thanksgiving Dayis a time to offer thanks, a time of family gatherings and holiday meals, a time of turkeys, stuffing and pumpkin pie, and a time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant balloons. 感恩節是一個感謝恩賜,家庭團聚,合家歡宴的日子;是一個家家餐桌上都有火雞、填料、南瓜餡餅的日子。
- For example, the very term " Indian corn " that the Englishmen used indicated a debt to the natives, as do the Indian -derived names for corn dishes such as com "pone", "hominy", and "succotash". 譬如英國人使用的「印第安人玉米」一詞,即意味著受恩於土著人。同樣,取自印第安語的「玉米餅」、「玉米粥」和「豆煮新鮮玉米」等也一併包含著此義。
- The principle and material selection of wine brewing with uncooked materials were introduced, as well as the technical parameters for the production of corn wine, Indian corn samshu and glutinous rice wine. 簡述了生料釀酒的原理、原料選擇方法及生料法生產玉米黃酒、包穀燒酒、糯米酒等工藝參數。
- Thanksgiving Day is a time to offer thanks,a time of family gatherings and holiday meals,a time of turkeys, stuffing and pumpkin pie,and a time for Indian corn,holiday parades and giant balloons. 感恩節是一個感謝恩賜,家庭團聚,合家歡宴的日子;是一個家家餐桌上都有火雞、填料、南瓜餡餅的日子。
- For example, the very term " Indian corn" that the Englishmen used indicated a debt to the natives, as do the Indian -derived names for corn dishes such as com "pone", "hominy", and "succotash". 同樣,取自印第安語的「玉米餅」、「玉米粥」和「豆煮新鮮玉米」等也一併包含著此義。
- Maize is widely planted in the America. 玉米在美洲廣泛種植。
- They ate raspberries, strawberries, grapes, plums, cherries, blueberries, walnuts, chestnuts, acorns, hickory and ground nuts, wheat flour, Indian corn and corn meal and they made beer out of barley. 他們吃木莓,草莓,葡萄,李子,櫻桃,越橘,胡桃,栗子,橡子,山胡桃,花生,麥粉,印地玉米和玉米粉,他們用大麥釀酒。
- a smut fungus attacking Indian corn. 侵襲玉米的黑穗病菌。
- After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic. 雨後玉米苗像變魔術一般的長起來了。
- The ground was ploughed and planted with corn. 地翻耕后種上了玉米。