- 樣品specimen
- 免費樣品giveaway
- 樣品費sample expense
- 這礦石經檢驗證明含金量高。This ore assays high in gold.
- 保留樣品keeping sample
- 火提供了熔煉礦石的手段。Fire provided a means of smelting ores.
- 樣品室sample room
- 砸碎礦石stamp ore.
- 被篩下的礦石the ore that sifts
- 這是新布料的樣品。This is a specimen of the new fabric.
- 礦石金屬含量tenor of ore
- 樣品數量sample size
- 把礦石破成碎塊to spall the ore
- 我們公司免費贈送布料樣品。Our firm gives away free samples of cloth.
- 使酸性礦石鹽化to salinize acid drift
- 標準樣品standard sample
- 使鹽(或礦石)燒爆to decrepitate salt (or minerals)
- 這樣品是免費的。This sample is gratis.
- 銀礦石silver ore
- 確認樣品confirmatory sample