- The results show that the effect of water to rock mechanics characteristic has something to do with anhydrite's content and core extraction rate. 研究表明,水對岩石力學特性的影響主要與岩石的硬石膏含量和岩芯採取率有關。
- On the basis of the testing results of the core extracted, such conclusions can be made that highperformance CW grouting materials can improve the mechanical properties remarkably. 灌后取芯檢測結果表明:CW高性能化學灌漿材料能很大程度地改變岩樣的力學性能。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 這個黨的核心成員決定一切。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 這個概念是她理論的核心。
- He was a military man to the core. 他是個地地道道的軍人。
- Let's get to the core of the argument. 咱們進入實質性的辯論吧。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我們的要求的核心是言論自由。
- The earth has a core and a mantle around it. 地球的中心是地核,地核的周圍是地幔。
- Such an extract in a solution of alcohol. 酒精提取物酒精溶液中的提取物
- He tried to extract his pole from the mud. 他試圖用力將杆子從泥中拔出來。
- He ate the plum, and threw the core away. 他吃掉了李子,並扔掉了果核。
- Let's get to the core of the matter. 讓我們看看事情的核心。
- Each student studies four core subjects. 每個學生學習四門基礎課。
- He is really rotten to the core. 他真是壞透了。
- It took a long time to get to the core of the affair. 花了很長時間才抓住這件事的要害。
- Scientists might never have fully appreciated the climate's ability to lurch into a radically different state if not for ice cores extracted from Greenland's massive ice sheet in the early 1990s. 如果沒有1990年代初期自格陵蘭廣袤的冰原所鑽取的冰心,科學家對於氣候具有躍進至截然不同狀態的能力,絕不會有通盤的理解。
- It take a major operation to extract money from a minor poet. 要從小詩人那兒榨出錢來,得施行一次大手術。
- The workers are extracting oil from cottonseed. 工人們正在從棉子中提煉油。
- She was extracting a crisp roll from her purse. 她正從錢袋裡掏出一卷鈔票。
- Data mining is to extract knowledge from information. 資料開採是從各種資訊中獲得知識。