- You must provide a copy of the GPL with the program, so that the recipient is aware of his rights under the license. 您必須隨程序提供一份GPL的拷貝,以確保接受者了解其在此協議下的權利。
- I managed to root out a copy of the document. 我好不容易才找到了文件的副本。
- Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly. 請將你的合同文本作相應的修正。
- I will send you a copy of the letter. 我將把信件的副本寄給你。
- Luckily, I lit on a secondhand copy of the book. 真運氣,我無意中見到了那本書,是本舊的。
- A copy of the provisional agenda in enclosed for your information. 隨信寄上一份暫定議事的日程安排供參考。
- He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document. 他叫秘書把文件複製一份。
- Attached please find a copy of the letter I wrote to Mr Thompson. 隨信附上本人致湯普林先生原函抄件一份,請查收。
- He took a copy of the newspaper as it came off the press. 報紙在印刷機上印出來後他拿了一份。
- You receive the top copy of the receipt, and we keep the carbon. 你把這收據上面的原件收下,我們保留下面的複寫件。
- He took a copy of the newspaper as it come off the press. 報紙在印刷機上印出來後他拿了一份。
- Your copy of the dictionary is looking a bit the worse for wear. 你這本詞典看來有點兒太舊了。
- Can you remember the license number of the taxi? 能否記得計程車號?
- The license number of the car that hit you. 要記下撞你的那輛車的車牌號碼。
- Have you got the license number of the car? 您記下那輛車的車牌號了嗎?
- He demonstrated his artistic talents by making a fair copy of the Mona Lisa. 他那幅蒙娜·麗莎的摹本表現了自己的藝術才能。
- He sent me a sample copy of the book. 他寄給我一本樣書。
- Fat chance I can get a copy of the story. 我不大可能弄到這部小說。
- The publisher has printed10000 copies of the book. 這本書出版社已印了10000冊。
- I enclose herewith two copies of the contract. 隨函寄上合同副本兩份。