- The two nations made a compact to control drug traffic. 兩國達成協議控制毒品走私。
- The two nations make a compact to control drug traffic. 兩國達成協議控制毒品走私。
- Mind control drugs and experiments were torturous to the victims. 精神控制藥物及實驗對受害者來說是痛苦的。
- By reorganising into three parallel units in 1996,the turnover time for the Controlled Drugs Section improved considerably during 1997. 受管製藥物組於1996年重組成3個功能相同的組別後,完成個案的時間在1997年得以大大地縮短。
- By reorganising into three parallel units in 1996, the turnover time for the Controlled Drugs Section improved considerably during 1997. 受管製藥物組於一九九六年重組成3個功能相同的組別後,完成個案的時間,得以大大地縮短。
- Methods A randomized controlled multi-centre clinical trial was conducted.Ofloxacin used as the control drug. 方法採用多中心隨機對照方法,並選用氧氟沙星作為對照。
- U. Edlund, A.-C. Albertsson.Degradable Polymer Microspheres for Controlled Drug Delivery. 吳清,任天池,張玲,石紅欣,張永強.;槐定鹼白蛋白微球製備工藝研究
- Doctora and policeman disagree on how to control drug distribution and handle addicts. 醫生和警察對於如何管製藥量的分配及管理有葯癮者的意見並不一致。
- Conclusions Docetaxel-NLC with small particle sizes has improved drug loading capacity and controlled drug release properties. 結論 製備的多西他賽納米脂質載體粒徑小,藥物包封率高,並可實現藥物控釋。
- Methods:Effects on the pentobarbital sleeping time of mice.Zolpidem tartrate tablets was the positive control drug. 方法:採用戊巴比妥鈉所致小鼠睡眠的實驗方法,使用酒石酸唑吡坦片為陽性對照葯。
- Medical institutions, drug stores, veterinarian institutions, pasturage veterinarian institutions and researchlaboratories may purchase controlled drugs. 四醫療機構、藥局、獸醫診療機構、畜牧獸醫機構、醫藥教育研究試驗機構得購買管製藥品。
- Biodegradable polymers, which have many advantages such as biocompatibility and biodegradability, have been focused on as controlled drug materials. 生物降解高分子材料具有良好的生物相容性和生物降解性而成為人們關注的藥物控釋材料。
- Injectable hydrogels have been developed for biomedical applications, such as surgical reconstruction, controlled drug release and cell encapsulation. 摘要可注射水凝膠在再生醫學和藥物控釋等方面有著廣泛的用途,是近年來生物醫用材料領域新的研究方向。
- A registrant applying for temporary suspension shall handle the inventory according to the precedingSubparagraph or retain the stock of controlled drugs in their safekeeping. 三申請停業者,其結存之管製藥品得依前款規定辦理或自行保管。
- Objective: To introduce biodegradable polymers and their application to nanometer-sized controlled drug delivery systems. 目的:介紹生物可降解聚合物及其在藥物納米控釋系統中的應用。
- This paper presents a novel self-gelling hydrogel potentially suitable for controlled drug delivery and tissue engineering. 此項研究展示了一種新型的自凝膠化的水凝膠材料在藥物控釋和組織工程中的潛在用途。
- Professor Robert Langer, pioneer of controlled drug release and tissue regeneration, is the Winner of the 2008 Millennium Technology Prize. 蘭格教授羅伯特,控制藥物釋放和組織再生的先驅,是2008年千禧技術獎得主。
- The model rats were administered with equisetum extract prophylactically,while gemfibrozil was used as positive control drug. 複製食餌性AS早期模型,用木賊提取物預防性給葯,以吉非羅齊為陽性葯對照。
- Clindamycin Phosphate as a trial drug and Erythromycin Lactobionate as a controlled drug were used to compare the clinical efficacy and side-effect of ... 結論:注射用克林黴素磷酸酯的臨床療效與乳糖酸紅霉素類似,而不良反應發生少且輕,可作為小兒細菌性肺炎的二線抗生素應用於臨床。
- Microsphere size, which has a significant effect on drug release rate, can potentially be aried to design a controlled drug deliery system with desired release profile. 微球大小對藥物釋放率有很重要的影響,人們認為可以改變其大小以建立一個藥物釋放符合需要能夠控制藥物釋放的體系。