- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 這個黨的核心成員決定一切。
- His remark was contradictory to the truth. 他的敘述與事實矛盾。
- Something that contains contradictory elements. 矛盾體包含相互對立因素的事物
- He tends to recoil from making difficult decisions. 他在難以作出決定時往往躊躇不前。
- The necessity for making decisions devolves on him. 作出決策乃當務之急,此事必然地落在他身上。
- Stop pushing me around! I'm quite able to make my own decisions! 別再支配我了!我完全能夠自己做主!
- Epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill. 羅斯福和邱吉爾做出的有重大意義的決定
- Key decisions; the key element of the thesis. 意義重大的結論; 論文的中心成分
- The decis was made by my predecessor . 那一決定是我的前任作出的.
- Some good luck destine sans deci! (有些緣註定無分!)
- There were contradictory versions of what happened/of what the President said. 對於發生的事情[對於總統說的話]說法相互矛盾。
- Something that is a combination of disparate or contradictory elements. 兼有相反性質的人或物兼有根本不同的或相互對立的成分的結合體
- It was difficult to think through this maze of contradictory facts and statistics. 從這些錯綜複雜而又相互矛盾的事實和統計數字中很難得出一個結論來。
- My son is going through a contradictory stage. 我兒子處於反抗期。
- The headlong leader is forever making headlong decisions. 那個魯莽的領導人老是作輕率的決定。
- The boss was angry that staff were second-guessing his decisions. 老闆對員工事後批評他的決策感到很生氣。
- The prisoner's statement was contradictory to the one he'd made earlier. 那個囚犯的供詞與早些時候說的相矛盾。
- It was a fruitful meeting; we made three important decisions. 這是個卓有成效的會議,我們作了三項重大的決定。
- Let's chew over the idea before making any decisions. 在下結論前,讓我們再討論一次。
- To utter a contradictory statement. 提出相反的說法