- Performance bond amounting to 10% of the total value of the works bid upon is required when signing the contract. 簽訂合同時,必須要有金額為投標工程總價10%25的履約保證。
- In the case of the winner, the amounts are refunded after a contract has been signed and the necessary performance bond is provided. 得標人的投標證金在簽了合同和提供了履約保證后,也可退回。
- In the case of the winner, the amounts are returned after a contract has been signed and the necessary performance bond is provided. 得標人的投標保證金在簽了合同和提供了履約保證后,可退回。
- Seller's Bank sends 2% of Non-Operative Performance Bond and releases. 賣方銀行發出2%25的有條件履約保證金。
- Performance Bond Guarantee: 2% operative PBG to be issued by Seller. 履約保函:由賣方開出[合同總金額的]2%25有效履約保函。
- The performance bond shall be furnished by the seller by a bank guarantee in the form attached toe bid document. 履約保證金應由賣方按招標文件所附的格式通過銀行擔保書來提交。
- This kind of deposit ways of ensuring contract performance of the method, known as deposit penalties. 這種以定金方式確保合同履行的方法稱為定金罰則。
- Performance Bond:2% non-operative PB shall be issued first before buyer's issuance of L/ C. 履約保證金:買方提信用狀之前,賣方需提2%25約保證金。
- Performance bond shall be furnished by the seller by a bank guarantee in the form attached to the bid document. 履約保證金應由賣方按招標文件所附的格式通過銀行擔保書來提交。
- Remarks:A breadth of product can be as customers' requirement,other special specification according to agreement or contract performance. 備註:產品幅寬可按客戶要求隨意製作,其他特殊規格按協議或合同執行。
- The winning bidder shall pay a performance bond if the bid invitation documents require the winning bidder to do so. 招標文件要求中標人提交履約保證金的,中標人應當提交。
- We as Seller will issue Performance Bond 2% value of DLC after receipt principle Buyer DLC advice. 我們作為賣家在收到買家信用證通知后開出信用證金額2%25的數額作為履約保證金。
- Performance Bond: 2% non-operative PB shall be issued first before buyer's issuance of L/C. 履約保證金:買方提信用狀之前,賣方需提2%25履約保證金。
- Strict definition of collateral obligation contributes to interest protection and charge equality of both parities, assuring them of contract performance. 明確附隨義務的界定有利於保護雙方的利益,均衡雙方負擔,保證雙方當事人實現合同的目的。
- Performance Bond: 2 % Performance Bond opened or confirmed by NORDEA BANK FROM DANMARK OR HSBC BANK GERMANY. 是履約保證金吧?誰支付履約保證金啊?我們還是對方?
- The Bid bond for the tender will be arranged by us, but you have to arrange 10% performance Bond when the order is awarded. 我方將準備投標所需的投標保函,而貴方則須在中標后準備擔保金額為中標合同金額10%25的履約保函。
- The successful tenderer fails to submit the performance bond within the prescribed period according to Clause 35 of the Notice. 中標人在規定期限內未能根據按投標人須知第35條規定提交履約保證金。
- Seller shall open operative Bank Performance Bond amounting to 2% of the L/C value favouring the Buyer within 5 banking days after receipt of Buyer's operative LC. 在收到買方的有效信用證后5個銀行工作日內,賣方鬚髮出以買方為受益人的保證金,金額是信用證全額的2%25。
- Intermediate Contract Performance Management Course 中間合同履行管理課程
- A figure determined by the closing range that is used to calculate gains and losses in futures market accounts, performance bond calls and invoice prices for deliveries. See "closing range. 一個由收市價格範圍所決定的價格,用來計算在期貨市場的賬目獲利和損失,為了交割而進行催繳欠款和單據價格。見「收市價格範圍」。