- He freed himself from unwholesome thoughts, and became contented and happy. 他使自己擺脫不完善的思想,變得滿足和快樂。改:他排除雜念,從此知足快樂。
- See your work flourishing and the effects of your endeavours helping you and others to feel contented and happy. 你的生意大獲成功,你還用金錢來幫助自己,幫助他人。於是,你感到很滿足、很幸福。
- Be contented and happy wherever one may Be 俯仰自得
- Contented and happy without any schemes in mind 陶然忘機
- People who use their free time well are usually healthy and happy. 善於利用空閑時間的人通常健康又快樂。
- They live simple and happy lives. 他們過著簡樸而幸福的生活。
- Sid chuckled in a very contented and satisfied way. 希德笑了,心滿意足地笑了。
- He has known both grief and happiness. 憂患和快樂他都經歷過。
- Wishinbg you health and happi in the year to come. 快樂。祝你新的一年裡健康。
- The book is rich in content and succinct in style. 這本書內容豐富,文字簡練。
- May your son be blessed by hap and happiness. 願你兒子走運幸福。
- They are rich in content and varied in style. 它們內容豐富,風格多樣。
- Wealth and happiness do not always concur. 財富與幸福並非總是並存的。
- An honest and happy pride I took in it. 我從中感到一種真正的、令人欣慰的驕傲。
- She sheds warmth and happiness around her. 她給周圍的人帶來溫暖興幸福。
- Fred is a handsome and happy young man. 佛瑞德是位英俊快樂的年輕人。
- This is perhaps the most obvious area affected on this list, because many people see 「contentedness」 and 「happiness」 as one and the same. 簡樸對於不同的人而言,有不同的意義。
- Best wish for xmas and new year fille with success and happiness. 祝聖誕快樂,並祝在新的一年成功幸福。
- This book is sound in content and lively in style. 這本書內容好,並且寫得很生動。
- His fame was bought at the expense of health and happiness. 他獲得了名聲犧牲了健康和幸福。