- The Buyer shall undertake in-land transshipment from the quay or container yard at the destination to the storage place at his own cost. 買方應自費負責將貨物從目的港碼頭或集裝箱貨場轉運到買方倉儲地。
- The proposed container yard integrated information management system provides the internal container operation management, external information diss. 口岸信息化進程的推進,對集裝箱場站信息系統提出了新的要求。
- The paper puts forward varied structure types of container yard paving,and contrasts them each with other in ecomomy and techanicality. 提出多種集裝箱堆場鋪面結構形式,並對各種形式的經濟性與技術性進行了比較。
- Container yard isseparated into marshalling yard and container yard, which its main effect is provided thetemporary place to store. 集裝箱碼頭的堆場部分可分為前方堆場和後方堆場,其主要作用是為集裝箱提供臨時的集中堆存。
- After the cargo is stuffed into a container, it is handed to the container yard (CY) to be loaded on board according to the stowage plan. 一式五份,分別交給集裝箱碼頭、承運人、船務代理、託運人和裝箱人。
- Taking "Container Yard Information Management System"(CONTAINER.EXE) as an example, how to use Install Shield 5.0 for making the installing program of PB application is described. 以「集裝箱堆場信息管理系統」(CONTAINER.;EXE)為例;介紹如何使用Install Shield5
- Local distributed system (LDS) for job-control of the whole operation of the container yard is proposed, considering the characters of automated container yard. 設計了與自動化無人堆場相適應,以堆場任務協調系統(LDS)為中樞的控制系統。
- Container yard and warehouse are able to manage consumable material and work load in an overall way. So wastage will be reduced, management improved and cost reduced. 堆場、倉庫實現了對耗材、工作量等實現的全面管理,大大降低的損耗,加強了管理,全面提高了效率,降低了成本。
- In order to expedite the development in vocation of container transportation,improve the management level for container yard and realize automatization,the authors supplied a contented decision scheme for administrator by simulation modeling technology. 為進一步加快集裝箱運輸行業的發展;提高集裝箱堆場管理水平;實現堆場管理自動化;通過模擬建模技術為管理人員提供滿意的決策方案.
- BRIGANTINE GROUP, founded in 1956 and excels in providing comprehensive services of Container, Yard Equipment and Marine Services, is a subsidiary of Maersk Hongkong Limited-The A. 柏堅集團是A.;P
- In the paper, berth length, container yard area, quay CFS, the number of quayside container cranes and container throughput were selected as the indexes of ports efficiency evaluation. 摘要選取泊位長度、碼頭面積、碼頭CFS、弔橋數量以及集裝箱吞吐量5個集裝箱港口績效指標,選擇中國實力相當的6個集裝箱港口進行灰理論的靶心度分析,並以此進行評價排序。
- Safety is the key point in design for container yard of dangerous cargoes.Taking the Nansha Harbor Phase I Project of Guangzhou Port as an example, the security design idea is expounded. 摘要安全性是危險品堆場設計的關鍵問題,以廣州港南沙港區一期工程危險貨物集裝箱專用堆場設計為例,論述安全設計思路。
- With the friendship of good, long-term cooperation between shipper, shipping company and container yard, we are competent for supplying the cheaper price of Asina , Europe, U.S.A and Africa. 本公司長期以來與航運界各船東以及承運人建立了良好的業務夥伴關係,保證了公司在東南亞、中東印巴以及南美、歐洲、非洲、美國等航線上的運價優勢。
- Elevation of wharf apron is different from that of back container yard in mountainous rivers,so,land transportation consists of both level conveyance and lift of containers. 山區河流集裝箱碼頭前沿高程與後方集裝箱堆場高程不可能一致,集裝箱碼頭陸域運輸不但要完成集裝箱的水平輸送,而且要完成集裝箱在場內的垂直提升。
- Here we are in the yard of the steel mill. 這兒就是不鏽鋼廠的料場。
- He is acting in a fiduciary capacity. 他以受託人身份行為。
- He had put up a basket on a pole in the back yard. 他在後院一根柱子上安一個球籃。
- These uses include container depots, container yards, container vehicle parks and container vehicle repair workshops. 他們包括貨櫃存放場、貨櫃場、貨櫃車場和貨櫃車維修工場。
- Part of the yard had been walled off. 院子有一部分用牆隔開了。
- They surrounded the yard with a palisade. 他們用籬笆把院子圍起來了。