- He lacked F.J. 's strength of character. 他缺少瓊斯那種堅強的個性。
- The three km long plateau taxed Buhl"s strength. 3公里長的平台耗盡了布爾的氣力。
- One of USB's strengths is that it allows you to connect to a hub. USB的優點之一是允許接到一個插座盒。
- conserve one's strength and store up one's energy 養精蓄銳
- Lendl' s strength onclay gives him a theoretical advantage. 蘭德爾體格健壯;按說他占些優勢.
- Long-term thinking is indeed one of KONE's strengths. 有關電梯使用的長期考慮也是通力的優勢之一。
- Charm is a woman, s strength, while strength is a man, s charm. 魅力是女人的力量,而力量是男人的魅力。
- preserve one's strength; conserve one's forces 保存實力
- Summarize her unique artistic style in comparison.This paper has a concrete analysis form three aspects directing one" s strength , clear nitpicking on words and singing tune. 用對比的方法總結出馬金鳳獨特的藝術風格,本章主要從運用氣息、咬字吐字與行腔等三個方面具體分析,探索其藝術特色及其形成原因。
- One of MySQL's strengths is in the use of Binary Large Object (BLOB) columns. MySQL的優勢之一就是使用二進位大型對象(BLOB)列。
- Everyone has a Buddha nature, and a Bodhisattva『s strength and spirit. 人人本具菩薩心,也具有和菩薩同等的精神與力量。
- to conserve one's vitality; to conserve one's strength 保存精力
- Asia 's strength of economic management, however, has not been its perfection, but its pragmatism and flexibility. 亞洲經濟管理向來不以完美見長,而是以務實和彈性取勝。
- conserve one's strength, health, resources, etc 保住體力、 健康、 資源等
- The paper gives the difference of the HPC's strength in standard curing condition and engineering curing condition. 同時還給出了在標準養護環境和實際工程養護環境下,基於此種特殊摻合料的高性能混凝土強度差異的對比分析。
- conserve one's vitality [strength] 保存精力
- The second Bush Administration is the most conservative one since Reagan-Administration. 布希政府是里根政府以來美國最為保守的一屆政府。 其對華政策沿著共和黨傳統保守派的對華政策思路。
- To put matters crudely private enterprise is India』s strength, while the public sector is China』s strength. 粗略地說,私人企業是印度的長處,而公共企業是中國的長處。
- Our response at present is a conservative one, with a limited number of volumes in excellent condition, in selected languages and in the public domain. 目前我們的反應是保守的,在良好條件、所選語言和公眾領域方面的數量都是有限的。
- GM's strength in these markets means that even if Toyota does turn out to have outsold GM in 2007, it might not retain that top position this year. 通用汽車的優勢意味著,即使豐田汽車2007年的總銷量超過了通用,但今年也未必能鞏固住這一地位。