- Prepare diskettes for use on the Victor computer. 為在勝利牌電腦上的應用準備了磁碟。
- A piece of peat that is burned for use as fuel. 泥炭作為燃料燃燒的一塊泥炭
- Laptop is suitable for use on planes. 膝上型電腦適合飛機上使用。
- Consequences for Phase Equilibria Calculations. 相平衡計算的結果。
- Prepared for use or action, especially in warfare. 有戰鬥力的,備戰的為使用或行動準備的,尤指在戰爭中
- The top floor of the building was signed over for use as offices. 大樓的頂層已簽約售出作為辦公室之用。
- This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater. 這機器是為水下使用而特別改裝的。
- His decision had depressing consequences for business. 他的決定帶來了商業業務沉悶得結果。
- Difficult books are sometimes adapted for use in schools. 較難的書有時經改寫供中小學用。
- There would be dire consequences for the rest of the world. 對世界其它地區,後果將不堪設想。
- Instructions for using the tool can be found in the compendium. 在手冊中可以找到這個工具的使用說明。
- Overweight and obesity have important consequences for us all. 超重和肥胖病對我們全部的人有嚴重的後果。
- A boat carried on a ship for use if the ship has to be abandoned. 救生船船舶攜帶的小艇,以便必須棄船時使用
- The consequences for banks also look disturbingly similar. 對銀行的影響看上去也類似得令人不安。
- A roll of postage stamps prepared for use in a vending machine. 一卷郵票準備用於自動售貨機的一卷郵票
- A failed Mexico would have incalculable consequences for America. 失敗的墨西哥會給美國帶來不可估量的後果。
- But now they have been adapted for use as storehouses or granaries. 不過現在它們已經被改建,用作庫房或糧倉了。
- The consequences for developing countries would range from awkward to grim. 對發展國家將產生的後果是從問題棘手發展為問題嚴重。
- A small, short-handled ax for use in one hand. 短柄小斧一隻手用的短把小斧
- We pay top prices for used cars. 我們出最高價收購舊汽車。