- They flaunt their conjugal felicity in one's face, as if it were the most fascinating of sins. 她們在旁邊人面前炫耀自己的伉儷之樂,彷彿這是最誘人的罪過。
- a happy marriage; conjugal felicity 美滿姻緣
- Conjugal felicity,connubial happiness 夫婦好合
- They flaunt their conjugal felicity in one's face, as if it were the most fascinating of sins 她們在旁邊人面前炫耀自己的伉儷之樂,彷彿這是最誘人的罪過。
- I marvel at the felicity of his style. 我驚嘆他的精巧的文體。
- We can define marital felicity accurately. 我們能夠給美滿婚姻下個準確定義。
- It doesn't advance their felicity in the least. 這並不能保證他們倆就能幸福。
- Felicity: This has been a really great day out. 菲莉西蒂:今天出來玩得真開心。
- Isn't suitable for three kinds of conjugal women? 不適合結婚的三種女人?
- He expressed himself with great felicity. 他表達自己的意思恰到好處.
- The story is told with great felicity of style. 這個故事講得有聲有色。
- Of course the conjugal state was an institution. 結婚當然是一種制度。
- Everyone have a lifetime for perfect felicity! 我真心的希望天下的有情人都能夠終成眷屬!度過美滿幸福的一生!
- Relating to marriage or the married state;conjugal. 婚姻的與婚姻或婚姻狀況有關的;
- Felicity is easily found, but hard to be kept. (諺語)找到幸福容易,維持幸福困難。
- Then these are just conjugal visits. 然後這些僅僅是婚姻調查。
- A couple's conjugal fate is prearranged. 婚姻是緣分。
- What is FELICITY and how to get it? 什麽是幸福?怎樣得到它?
- ST: I saw you coming out of the conjugal room. 我看到你從夫妻房間走出來的。
- Clover with four leaves, bring the felicity! 四葉的三葉草帶來好運!