- condyloid fossa of temporal bone 下頜窩
- inferior articular fossa of atlas 寰椎下關節凹
- superior articular fossa of atlas 寰椎上關節凹
- CESNA Library is a affiliate member of ATLA now! 本館已加入美國神學院圖書館協會(ATLA)成為附屬會員!
- Kratos discovers a glowing red door before entering the Challenge of Atlas. 克瑞托斯看到了一個閃著紅光的門,在他準備進入大力神的挑戰之前。
- It is also peculiar in the morphology of atlas, axis, pygostyle, sternum, etc. 寰椎、樞椎、尾綜骨、胸骨等形態特殊。
- The fossa of Landzert, present in about 2% of autopsies, is recognized as inducing left paraduodenal hernia (PDH). Landzert隱窩屍檢的檢出率約2%25,易引起左側十二指腸旁疝(PDH)。
- Hermes, the herald of the Olympian gods, is son of Zeus and the nymph Maia, daughter of Atlas and one of the Pleiades. 赫密士,奧林匹斯山眾神的使者,宙斯與居于山林水澤的仙女瑪雅的兒子,阿拉塔斯和昴宿得團的女兒。
- The fossa of Waldeyer, present in about 1% of autopsies, is recognized as inducing right PDH (22). Waldeyer隱窩的屍檢檢出率約1%25,易引起右側PDH。
- fossa condyloid of atlas 寰椎上關節凹
- The five daughters of Atlas and sisters of the Pleiades, placed by Zeus among the stars. 畢(宿)星團阿特拉斯的五個女兒,普雷阿迪斯的姐妹,宙斯把她們置於星河中
- Objectives:Studies on tumor operation intrance and method in the base of cranium of the anterior cranial fossa of skull, cheek and orbit. 目的:研究位於顱、面、眶等結構之間侵犯前顱窩底的腫瘤手術入路和手術方法。
- Objective To evaluate the urethra-lengthening technique in the management of stricture of the external orifice and navicular fossa of urethra. 目的提高對嚴重外尿道口及舟狀窩部尿道狹窄的治療效果。
- As Kratos completes the Challenge of Atlas, he finds a blood bath of dead soldiers lying around a flight of stairs. 在克瑞托斯完成了大力神的挑戰之後,他找到了一條塗滿了血污的道路,眾多的士兵躺倒在一個樓梯旁邊,那是一場血戰。
- The presence of cervical artery sulcus ring of atlas was found in 56 cases out of 346 pilots. 在346例飛行員中發現56例有椎動脈溝環存在。
- It is suggested that the presence of cervical artery sulcus ring of atlas was a negative factor in pilot selection. 有環椎椎動脈溝環者在飛行學員選拔中應作為一種負性因素。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能夠讓你相信我的誠意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少許憂鬱的氣質。
- Results:The model can offer the optimal distance between the neural arch of atlas and axis. 結果:回歸模型的計算機界面能夠提供寰樞椎弓融合的最佳距離。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗熱雞湯對你有好處。