- Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 為鑽導管井眼配製高粘度泥漿.
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 臨危不懼是他的看家本領。
- The conductor punched a hole out of my ticket. 列車員在我的票上打了個洞。
- She knows why the metal is the good conductor. 她知道金屬為什麼是好的導體。
- The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman. 列車長原來是一位青年婦女。
- That iron is a good conductor is known to us all. 鐵是良導體這是我們大家都知道的。
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在門上鑿了個孔,以便裝一把新鎖。
- The conductor punched his bus ticket. 售票員用剪票夾在他的汽車票上打孔。
- The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak. 那鳥在冰上啄出了一個洞。
- The child has picked a hole in his new jumper. 孩子的新毛衣上勾了一個洞。
- Under its new conductor, the errorism Act. 根據防止恐怖活動法案,拘留了六名疑犯。
- Stick your hand in and see what's in the hole. 把手伸進去,看看洞里有什麼。
- The dog skins through the small hole in the wall. 那條狗勉強鑽過小小的牆洞。
- The young soprano was taken up by a famous conductor. 那年輕的女高音歌手受到一著名指揮家的提攜。
- The men in the hole sent up for more equipment. 在洞穴中的人們向上面要求再給他們一些設備。
- The mice have nibbled a hole in the cheese. 老鼠在乳酪上啃出了一個洞。
- I saw a rabbit dive into its hole. 我看見一隻兔子鑽進洞。
- A lightning conductor protects a building from damage by lightning. 避雷針可保護建築物不受雷擊的破壞。
- She poked her finger into the hole. 她把手指插入孔中。
- Their dog bit a hole in my trousers. 他們的狗把我的褲子咬了個窟窿。