- NTFS structure layer handles the structure of NTFS filesystem. NTFS磁碟結構層處理NTFS文件系統磁碟結構。
- The neural structure on the basilar membrane is more vulnerable than the tympanic membrane and conductive structure of the middle ear. 其次,是耳膜及中耳的傳導系統。
- The upper structure layer is composed of the Cretaceous to the Quaternary, which shows a large slope dipping northwestward. 上構造層由白堊系-第四系構成,構造形態為-北西傾斜坡。
- This paper has dealt with the seismic reflection tomography, which is based on Fermat's principleand, using the pre - stack data, inverts the underground structure layer by layer. 本文提出的地震反射層析成像方法,基於射線原理,應用疊前反射波的走時資料,逐層反演地下介質結構。
- Conduct structure: Including practical application knowledge, skill, intelligence, ability nature and quantity and behavior, conduct, personality and so on quality difference differentcombination. 品行結構:包括實際應用的知識、技能、智力、能力的質與量和行為、品行、人格等的品質差異的不同組合。
- In the project qualityproblems of external insulation of exterior wall, the insulation layer"s shedding offwith the structure layer has taken the majority. 在外牆外保溫的工程質量問題中,保溫層與結構層的脫落佔了大部分。
- KD-NTFS is designed with 3 layers: VFS operation layer, KD-NTFS abstract operation layer and NTFS structure layer. KD-NTFS設計為三層:VFS操作介面層、KD-NTFS抽象操作層和NITS磁碟結構層。
- Therefore,the Ten fifth plan clearly and definitely broaches that it is the center of our economy to conduct structural adjustment. 所以,「十五」計劃明確提出以結構調整為中心。
- Therefore, The Fifteenth Plan clearly and definitely broaches that it is the center of our economy to conduct structural adjustment. 所以,「十五」計劃明確提出以結構調整為中心。
- On one hand, KD-NTFS abstract operation layer provide sample and useful operations for VFS operation layer; on the other hand, KD-NTFS abstract operation layer encapsulates the structure of NTFS filesystem for NTFS structure layer. KD-NTFS抽象操作層一方面向VFS操作介面層提供簡單而有效的操作介面,另一方面為NTFS磁碟結構層封裝NTFS文件系統磁碟結構的細節;
- Compaction and deflection,as two control criterion,are utilized in highway subgrade construction,which well guarantee construction quality and solid foundation of pavement structure layer. 在公路路基施工中,採用壓實度和彎沉值"雙控"標準,可使施工質量得到保證,為路面結構層提供堅實的基礎。
- The Mantle Conductivity Structure Beneath Jilin And Liaoning Province, NE China Tang, J. 中國東北遼寧和吉林地區上地幔電性結構研究,市來啟雅。
- One of the tubular conductive structures of xylem,consisting of dead cylindrical cells that are attached end to end and connected by perforations. They are found in nearly all flowering plants. 管束本質部的一種導管結構,包含死掉的圓管狀細胞,它們一個連著一個,由孔聯接起來,幾乎在所有開花植物中都能找到它們
- So this paper introduces the structure layers of KBE technology, and adapts it to mechanical product de signing. 為此本文介紹了KBE技術的結構層次,並將其應用到機械產品的設計中去。
- The typed topics represent the fundamental structuring layer for DITA topic-oriented content. 分類主題表示DITA面向主題內容的基本結構層。
- His conduct is a mere cover-up for his nervousness. 他的行為只是為了掩護他的緊張。
- Her conduct lies beyond all question and reproach. 她的行為不容懷疑,無可指責。
- Such conduct is displeasing to your parents. 這種行為會使你的父母生氣的。
- Based on STEP standard and IDEF method,function model of product model information and its structureswith three layers (i. e. function layer,generic part layer,generic structure layer) are built. 基於STEP標準和IDEF產品建模方法,提出了基於功能層的產品信息建模和產品信息模型的三層結構:功能層、零部件層和構造層。
- His conduct has always been above suspicion. 他的行為一直無可質疑。