- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 這條船從船頭到船尾裝滿了貨物。
- The cargo was lashed down on the deck of the ship. 貨物牢牢地縛在船的甲板上。
- The ship was allowed to unload cargo on the wharf. 那艘船被允許在碼頭上卸貨。
- The ship is discharging the cargo. 船正在卸貨。
- The ship was loaded down with extra cargo. 額外的貨物使船裝載超重。
- Please go to the HNA's Cargo center for shipment. 請到海航貨運中心辦理貨運手續。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船駛入了港灣。
- The ship embarked passengers and cargo at an Italian port. 這艘船在義大利一個港口載客裝貨。
- He stowed the cargo in the ship』s hold. 他把貨物裝在了船艙里。
- They must unite to condemn the lost of lives. 回教徒必須聯合起來譴責造成人命損失的襲擊行動。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆著季風艱難地行駛。
- The ship kept the buoy on her off side. 這條船在浮標的左邊。
- The ship can carry a cargo of 1,000 tons. 這船能載一千噸貨物。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海圖上標繪出了這艘船該走的航線。
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 輪船在洶湧澎湃的大海中起伏顛簸。
- We condemned the violence in swiftness. 我們立即譴責了那種暴行。
- The ship was prized for violating neutrality. 那艘船因違犯中立而被捕獲。
- condemn the ship's cargo 沒收該船的貨物
- A terrible storm forced the ship to put back. 可怕的風暴迫使這條船返航了。
- The ship came about and headed back for safety. 這隻船掉過頭往回開到安全地帶去。