- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 這懶小子一整天一點事都沒幹。
- I am enraptured with the stroke of good fortune. 我由於這一次的幸運而狂喜。
- It was a stroke of luck that I found you here. 我在這裡碰見你真是運氣。
- It was so hot yesterday that I had a heat stroke. 昨天太熱,我中暑了。
- He's now fully recovered from his stroke. 他現已從中風病完全康復了。
- Your idea was a stroke of genius! 你的主意真了不起!
- Curt never did a stroke of work. Catch him! 柯特從未做過一點工作。
- Notice how the player follows through after each stroke. 注意那個球員在每次擊球后怎樣完成手臂動作。
- A two-fisted backhand stroke in tennis. 網球中雙手握拍的反手擊球
- Can you stroke him down? He is still very angry. 你能使他消消氣嗎?他還是非常生氣。
- She felt the stroke of his hand on her hair. 她感覺得到他的手在自己的頭髮上輕輕撫摸。
- We arrived at the airport on the stroke of six. 我們六點正到達機場。
- She solved the problem at a stroke. 她一下子解決了問題。
- He was a goner after that stroke. 在那次中風之後,他已經是命在旦夕,行將就木之人。
- What a stroke of luck to meet you here! 在這兒碰到你真是幸運!
- My son can do (the) breast stroke now. 我兒子現在會蛙泳了。
- He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe. 他一斧頭就將樹砍倒。
- The centres of concentric circles coincide. 同心圓的圓心是一個。
- He put his finishing stroke to the portrait and went out. 他給那幅油畫畫上最後一筆,然後走了出去。
- The figure bounded by and containing the area between two concentric circles. 圓環域以兩個同心圓為界的圖形或兩圓之間包括的圖形