acting according to certain accepted standards;
"their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices"
a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others
the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another
用作名詞 (n.)
- In compliance with your wishes, we have withdrawn our suggestion.
遵照你的要求我們已將建議撤銷。 - It is important to drive in compliance with the traffic laws.
行駛時遵守交通規則是很重要的。 - Compliance is expected of all members.
要求全體人員都遵守. - He was terrified into compliance.
他被嚇唬得屈服了。 - We reasoned him into compliance.
- in compliance with 按照(依從
- non-compliance 違反義務
- Chief Compliance Officer 首席執法官
- compliance error 符合性上的錯誤...
- pickup compliance 拾音器順性
- mechanical compliance 機械順從性
- lung compliance 肺應變性,肺順應性...
- equilibrium compliance 平衡柔量
- compliance constant 柔順常數
- electrostrictive compliance 電致伸縮順度...
- instantaneous compliance 瞬時柔量
- delayed compliance 緩發柔量
- piezoelectric compliance 壓電順度
- compliance test 符合性測試
- creep compliance 蠕變柔量,蠕變順度...
- compliance voltage 恆流制輸出電壓...
- rotational compliance 轉動順從性
- bulk compliance 體積柔量
- dynamic compliance 動柔量
- elastic compliance 彈性順度
- conformity 一致
- obedience 服從
- fulfilment 完成
- adaptation 改編
- consensus 一致
- cession 割讓
- adaptability 適應性
- resignation 辭職
- concession 讓步
- favor 偏愛
- agreement 同意
- submission 提交
- acquiescence 默許
- amenability 順從
- passivity 被動
- defiance 蔑視
- observance 遵守
- fulfillment 滿足
- accordance 一致
- consent 同意
- obligingness 親切
- compliancy 一致(符合
- complaisance 彬彬有禮
- deference 順從
- conformation 構造
- abidance 遵守
- denial 否認
- noncompliance 不服從