- Indignation bereft him of speech. 他氣憤得說不出話來。
- It has beyond the competence of the court. 它已經超出法院的許可權。
- The case fall within the competence of the court. 該案在這個法院的管轄權範圍內。
- His illness left him without the power of speech. 他病後喪失了說話能力。
- Do you know the part of speech of this word? 你知道這個單詞的詞性嗎?
- Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人類才具有說話的能力。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我們的要求的核心是言論自由。
- He has lost the power of speech. 他喪失了言語能力。
- The freedom of speech should not be abridged. 言論自由不應受限制。
- Lacking the faculty of speech; mute. 喪失了說話能力的; 啞的
- Man is the only animal that has the faculty of speech. 人類是唯一有說話能力的動物。
- It does not lie the competence of this committee. 這不屬於該委員會的許可權範圍。
- Pretentious; boastful. Used of speech or manners. 誇大的自負的; 好誇口的。用於談話或態度
- Gross; coarse. Used of speech or language. 言談粗俗的粗野的; 粗俗的。用語談話或語言
- The linguistic competence of the speaker. 說話者的語言能力。
- Because of his plainness of speech, he succeed in make his point. 由於他措詞清楚,他成功地表明了自己的觀點。
- The article is a part of speech in the English language. 冠詞是英語的一種詞類。
- He used to use a lot of flowers of speech in his writing. 過去他在寫作中愛用華麗的詞藻。
- I didn't really mean she was in outer space it's just a figure of speech. 我不是說她真在外層空間--這只是打個比方。
- The Bill of Rights gives us freedom of speech. 人權法案給予我們言論自由